"The Russo-Japanese war was the most important cause of the 1905 revolution" To what extent do you agree with this interpretation?

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“The Russo-Japanese war was the most important cause of the 1905 revolution”

To what extent do you agree with this interpretation?

In 1905, Russia saw growing discontent throughout the country, leading to a revolution, which was sparked off by many different factors. Many historians believed that the most important cause of the revolution was the Russo-Japanese War, as it was the first major turning point in the lead up to the revolution. Therefore I Believe that the Russo-Japanese War was an important cause of the revolution but arguably there was other important causes, for example rural, urban and political problems.

Clearly, the Russo-Japanese War was an important cause of the revolution as it triggered many strikes and revolts in Russia and also caused distress within the Russian Army. In 1904, the Japanese laid siege on Port Arthur, which led to a war between Russia and Japan after several years of clashes between their imperialist’s ambitions in the Far East. It was also an aim for Russia to distract their population of poor living conditions and to increase the morale and opinions of the Army, which had been tainted from the Crimean War, as they believed that it would be a quick and easy victory. However, they were proved wrong and after a humiliating defeat the government’s incompetence came to light and the revolutionary pressure was increased. Therefore, it can be seen that the war did aid the revolution to become visible and so was an important cause of the 1905 revolution. But it can also be seen that the other problems must have been brewing in Russia leading to a revolution, as a short-term factor does not have the soul influence on a revolution of this size.

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A number of long-term and short-term problems caused social unrest in rural areas, which led to the 1905 revolution. Long-term problems in the rural areas caused many problems for the peasants. The biggest problem was the emancipation of the Serfs in 1861. This left great problems in rural areas including redemption taxes, lack of land and also the fact that the Mir still remained very strong. This caused great discontent within the population. To add to the discontent there was also a famine in 1891, which led to many grudges being held towards the Tsar. Short-term problems within ...

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