Why Did Britain Go To War Over Poland?

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Why Did Britain Go To War Over Poland?

From 1937 onwards British and French rearmament plans started and it wasn’t until late 1939 that the allies military production peaked and the military was approximately the same as Germany’s. Although military production was increasing it couldn’t be sustained politically and so the German threat had to be dealt with as soon as possible. The army and navy had to be increased in size and money was spent on tanks and battleships. Also the RAF had told Chamberlain that they wouldn’t be ready until the late 1939.

Also the Dominions were more likely to support Britain in 1939 because they realised that there could be a large European War, because they were aware of Germany’s continued aggressiveness and also the threat of Japan. The Royal Visit to Canada was very important because it created more support for Britain. The USA, although neutral, had become more sympathetic and were taking more interest in European affairs.

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In January 1939 Hitler had made a speech in the Reichstag, which was talking about eliminating the Jewish race in Europe and this worried many people in Britain if Hitler was the man that he had appeared to be and some people started wondering if appeasement was a great idea because Hitler’s respectable image was destroyed. This was followed by the night of the broken glass (Krystallnacht), where several Jewish shops and buildings were attacked and vandalised at the orders of Hitler.

Hitler seized Memel and Bohemia-Moravia, a part of ‘rump Czechoslovakia’, which made more likely in the future, because ...

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