Why did the attitudes of soldiers towards the was change between 1914 and 1916?

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History Essay

Question: Why did the attitudes of soldiers towards the was change between 1914 and 1916?


After years of conflict, the first ever world war eventually broke out in Europe. Britain, France and Russia were fighting against Germany, Austria-Hungry and Turkey. The war only lasted four years, but during this time, was very brutal and killed many people.

Why did men join up?

Many men joined up, but for a number of different reasons. Some were to stand up for their country or nation, some to make their families proud and others just because of peer pressure and because everyone else was doing it. Another thing which convinced many men to join up was the use of Propaganda. Propaganda was information put out by other organisations to persuade people to do things, but in this case, persuading men to join up to the war.

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The propaganda poster to the left is one of the ones which made a big difference. This is because the son is playing with toy soldiers and the daughter is asking him about the war and what he did. This poster would make the father feel guilty if he wasn’t joining up, as he would know that his children would think of him as a coward some day.

If the father was joining up, his children would think of him as a hero and they would remember their father throughout their lives and he would be a ...

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