WW2 Evacuations

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Question 1: Which source of evidence is the more useful as evidence about the start of the children’s evacuation journey?

Source B and C have big differences in useful nesses. Source B is a picture however many people have been known to alter their behavior and emotions while in front of a camera, thus automatically devaluing the pictures real usefulness but from the source being a picture make the source not affected by the interpretations of someone that could have written about the situation or a memory of the situation. However this picture is a primary source and shows where the evacuations take place and the types of people that where evacuated without being affected by opinion. This picture is likely to be real because it shows a view which is similar to many of the different sources available. But we must also realize that this picture only captures the opinions of people for a few seconds, so it doesn’t give us an impressive about the whole of the children’s evacuation journey.

Source C was taken in 1988 it is an interview with a teacher who says she endured the evacuation journey. The source is a personal account of what happened during the start of the evacuation journey and how emotional parents were forced to leave their children. It is also useful as this is a person that did not leave there children so not as confused with emotions as the parents. However there is one large draw back this source was made over 40 years after WW2 which significantly reduces the reliability of the source as many points may be wrong. .

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 I feel that both sources were useful. However they are useful for different reasons, source B shows a wide variety of information that can be helpful in may different areas of study. Source C is useful because it contains very specific details and also contains the feelings of different people which are much harder to deicide in source B.


Question 2: Source G is an extract taken from a novel, is it reliable as evidence about evacuees?

Source G is an extract from Carrie’s war, a novel for children written by Nina Bowden ...

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