The Legislations That Protect Individuals and Groups Form Misuse of ICT

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The Legislations That Protect Individuals and Groups Form Misuse of ICT

In this section I am going to demonstrate my knowledge of the legislation by describing it and explaining how it protects me. I will also explain what it does and does not do for me.

What is legislation?

Legislation means a law or a set of laws, which have been made by parliament.

With many people using computers, and many people storing valuable information I them i.e. bank account numbers etc. there are also many people who try to get this information with the intent to misuse it. In order to tackle these problems new legislations have been made. These new legislations include Data Protection Act, The Computer Misuse Act, The Health And Safety At Work Act, and the Regulation Of Investigatory Powers Act.

Below I will look at all the mentioned legislations in close detail and explain what they mean, how it protects me, other people i.e. adults (and in employments), my community and look at the positive and negative aspects of the legislations.

Data Protection Act

The Data Protection Act reads that data discovered by one person to another person may only be used for the certain reason for which they were discovered. Information may only be kept for an appropriate length of time and must not be shown to other people without the permission of the data owner. Schools, for example, may keep information on former pupils for no longer than ten years.

How It Affects Me

As I am reaching the last months of my high school career I have accumulated a large amount of data in my personal records, which is kept in the schools database. I have accumulated both medical, social behaviour, and certificates of achievements. The data protection act insures that after a certain period of time the school will no longer hold this information. This is good especially on the matter of my social behaviour record, as some employers will not employ someone with a bad record in school. The data protection gives me a chance of getting a better future and not shortening the range of job opportunities.

The Computer Misuse Act

The Misuse of Computers Act was put in motion in the year of 1990 to tackle and stop the problem of organisations and individuals, illegally using their computers. The act stops organisations and individuals from hacking, which are a form of breaking into a system to look, obtain, or use information that is stored. The act also prevents use of a computer for the use of forgery, software piracy that is a form of copying, cracking or tampering of software programs, intent to damage computer systems by the input of viruses and Trojan horses (fake applications which are installed on your computer without your knowledge and act like a normal application but when put into use damage your computer), and the stealing of time to carry out unauthorised work.
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How It Affects Me

As a student who constantly uses a computer for my schoolwork, I have a large amount of important schoolwork stored in my computer. This legislation helps me in that people are prevented from hacking into my computer and stealing or erasing this valuable information. Even though there is a very good advantage to this legislation I feel that it simply puts fear in people to prevent the problem. I feel that some people are willing to risk prosecution because the legislation is not strict enough. I say this because everyday through my email ...

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