An Investigation Into The Effects Of Sugar Upon Aptitude Levels

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An Investigation Into The Effects Of Sugar Upon Aptitude Levels


        The aim of this study was to discover whether sugar intake has an effect upon people’s cognitive aptitude. This was done by dividing the sample into three conditions (high sugar drink, low sugar drink and control.) The participants were then asked to drink the drink given (with the exception of the control condition.) and then fill out an aptitude test. Once all the results had been gathered they were put through the Mann Whitney (U) test. The results showed that sugar has a detrimental effect on aptitude.


        Physiological psychology is the study of how the brain affects the body, and how the two work in tandem. This has been explored in this study, as sugar levels have an effect upon both physical and mental performance. Sugar can be burned by the body to produce energy, but at the same time it has a negative effect on the brain, which is clear from the results. Shachter and Singer’s investigation (1962) is similar to this study, in that they tested the effects of epinephrine on participants ability to operate in a certain environment, and certain elements of their study were used in this one, in that the participants in both studies did not know what they were being given (saline or epinephrine in Schachter and Singer’s study and high or low sugar drinks in this one.) And they are both physiological.

        The method used in this study was chosen because it was cost effective, simple to carry out and easy to replicate should the need arise.

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        The decision to use a limited sample of 16 to 25 year olds was reached because to have used a wider range would have possibly thrown up confounding variables, for example people of a higher age may have a better grasp of the aptitude tests, and sugar may have a greater effect on younger participants. 16 to 25 year olds are physically and mentally very similar.

        The aptitude tests chosen each consisted of 10 questions, and the ones used covered both technological skills and word association. These were chosen because they cover a wide range and it is unlikely that ...

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