Chemistry open book paper- Explosives

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Chemistry open book paper- Explosives

Explosions have been used in warfare and other areas since the 10th century. Originally, explosives relied on a reaction from black powder in order to work. This black powder was a mixture of powdered carbon, sulphur and potassium nitrate and was ignited by a fuse. This process involves oxidation reactions causing product gases of CO2 , SO2 , and N2 . An oxidation when an element's oxidation state has increased. In the case of the black powder explosion, the increased oxidation state is caused by carbon and sulphur gaining oxygen which they lose electrons to, causing there charge to become more positive. The explosion happens when the gas built up is confined into a small space causing a huge build up in pressure resulting in the explosion. The oxidation within black powder happens very quickly because it carries its own supply of oxygen in the form of potassium nitrate. Mixtures with a higher supply of oxygen to the reactants react more quickly due to an increased rate of oxidation.

This technique was used for centuries, but when armies started to use hundreds of weapons, a great deal of white smoke was produced making it impossible for soldiers to see. An explosive was needed that gave off very little or no smoke.

Gun cotton or cellulose nitrate, was accidentally discovered by Dr Christian Sch(nbein when he spilt a mixture of concentrated sulphuric and nitric acid. He used his wife's apron to mop it up which later burst into flames in front of a fire whilst drying out. Militaries used this idea and produced mixtures for powders based on cellulose nitrate. These new powders could be far more useful in warfare as they produced very little smoke. Because of this, a lot more of the explosive could be used meaning objects could be propelled at greater speeds with greater forces. The cellulose nitrate used in explosives is in the form of cellulose trinitrate which has a formula of C6H7O11N3. As the formula shows there is a high number of oxygen atoms and is effectively carrying its own source of oxygen allowing the reaction to take place very quickly. This increased force from the reaction started off the uses of bullets and explosive shells replacing muskets and cannon balls.
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The Structure of Cellulose nitrate

Later, in the 1880's, the British army invented cordite which was a combination of the currently used, cellulose trinitrate, and glycerol trinitrate. During production, propanone is added in order to turn the mixture into a jelly like substance which can be squeezed through small holes emerging as thin cords. The propanone is then dried out leaving a brown powder explosive which is still widely used today. The British army got this supply of propanone from maize imported from America, but during the first world war, they were unable to receive the maize. ...

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