Investigation in to the bending Of material in the form of A beam.

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Lauren Ardolino


Investigation in to the bending

Of material in the form of

A beam

In this experiment we wanted to investigate how far a beam would bend when weights were attached to the end.  We put a 1m ruler on the end of a desk and then added weights to the end of the ruler; the weights went from 100g to 800g.  The height of the ruler off the ground was 82cm.  

        There are many variables you can change for this investigation, such as: The length of the ruler, the length of the ruler off the desk, the height above ground and the mass on the ruler.   We changed the mass put on the ruler.  


My prediction for this experiment is that the more weight added to the ruler, the more the ruler would bend.  I think this because the ruler would be hanging off the desk and if we added more weights the ruler would have to bend, due to the forces of gravity pulling on the ruler.  

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In this experiment we will need to use:

  • Desk
  • 100cm ruler x 2
  • 100g weights


Firstly, we will place the ruler 70cm off the desk; because of the height of the desk the height above ground would be 82cm.  Then continuously add 100g to the end of the ruler and measure the height above ground after each one.   We then put these results in to a table.


We then put all these results in to a graph and drew the line of best fit.


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