mayfield high. Correlation between the heights and weights of boys and girls over the years 7, 8, 9.

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Statistics coursework

Correlation between the heights and weights of boys and girls over the years 7, 8, 9.

I will need to collect data on heights and weights of from the years 7, 8, 9,  in Mayfield High School, to determine a population for my investigation. The information I have taken from the spreadsheet is made up data from a real school, Mayfield School. I have chosen this source of information as it is easily available and it was the information that I needed.

I will need to collect 30 pieces of data and I will ensure it is a fair sampling by using random stratified sampling. I will use the data to compare the heights of boys and girls and then compare the weight of boys and girls.

Using the data I will calculate the mean, mode, median and the range. These particular calculations are useful because it gives me a single data so I can use it to compare the boys with the girls. The range will tell me how much the data is spread out, the bigger the range, the bigger the spread.

I will show the information using box and whisker diagrams and stem and leaf diagrams. These particular diagrams are useful because it allows me to see how the data is distributed and it is easier to find the mean and mode. The box and whisker diagrams will help me to compare skews#, the inter-quartile range and the median.

As a result of the calculations and diagrams I can compare the heights and weights of boys and girls. I am going to investigate data provided by Mayfield High School. I am going to look the difference in correlation between the heights and weights of boys and girls from years 7, 8, and 9. I am going to look at them separately and together because I can then compare them to each other. I will also produced scatter graphs and cumulative frequency graphs, these will show how the results look on a wider scale. I will produce a scatter graph for each year and for each sex. This will show all he results and it will make them easier to compare. I will produce cumulative frequency graph for all years, each to show the weights/heights of all the selected pupils in years 7, 8, and 9.

I predict that the majority of boys are heavier and taller than girls.

Method for choosing my data

I am choosing my data by going to every other 10 names, for years 7, 8 and 9. I am going to record my data by putting it into tables one for girls and one for boys. In my tables I will put the names in alphabetical order, starting with the youngest first. I will picked 10 students from every year, using 5 boys and 5 girls. This is to make the investigation as fair as possible.


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As a result of the calculations and diagrams I can compare the heights and weights of males and females.

To get a visual idea of the spread of my data, I have decided to represent it in a stem and leaf diagram:


Males:           132-134-152-154-154-156-160-162-162-165-165-169-171-171-171

Females:  131-142-148-150-152-153-157-160-160-163-163-164-175-180-180

Mixed:    131-132-134-142-148-150-152-152-153-154-154-156-157-160-160-160-162-162-163-163-164-165-165-169-171-171-171-175-180-180

As you can see from the above diagram:

The shortest person from all the years is 131cm and the tallest person is 180cm.

The shortest male is 132cm and the tallest is 171cm.

The shortest female is 131cm and the tallest is 170cm.

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