Evil and a God of love are incompatible so there cannot be a God of love? Discuss.

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Evil and a God of love are incompatible so there cannot be a God of love? Discuss.

Contemporary news coverage bombards us with stories about enormous casualties and extraordinary sufferings that occur in the world. Anyone can simply look to their neighbour or their own lives and see the presence of misfortune running. This problem has impinged upon the issue of God's existence in philosophical discussions. Philosophers question whether or not there can be a wholly good God that would create such a world where evil exists.        The problem of evil goes back as far as the Greek philosophers, and was originally formulated by Epicurus (342-270), it continues to nurture scepticism, and has been restated in various forms and ideas throughout the years. It was Augustine that defined the problem of evil as ‘Either God cannot abolish evil, or he will not; if he cannot then he is not all-powerful; if he will not then he is not all-good’. This basically states that God has all the power to eliminate evil that exists in the world so why doesn’t he? The issue of evil and a loving God is a much debated issue which (as I said above) goes back many centuries, there are many arguments for and against the idea of a loving god and the existence of evil in the world which I aim to address in this essay.                                        

The problem for the theist is this, why does a God of love allow evil to exist? Most would agree that the idea of a good and powerful God is rationally possible, but many argue that this is improbable due to the nature of evil in the world around us. It is surely difficult to understand why a loving God would allow this. But the fact that we are unable to reason for God’s purpose in doing this does not mean there is no reason for it, it is yet possible that God’s reasons are beyond our present knowledge and therefore we do not fully understand the world that we live in. God’s purpose for evil could come down to that ‘It may be that the suffering we experience in this life is somehow preparatory to our existence in the life to come.’ This takes me on to my next argument for the existence of evil in the world, which goes back to the bible where God gave his people the choice of free will. This choice originated with Adam and Eve who ate the forbidden fruit from the tree; while this does explain how evil entered the world it does not explain why God has let it continue. It also shifts God to the side, implying that either he was unable to foresee that Adam and Eve would choose evil, or that he is unable to correct the effects of the fall. However, God is still the God off the bible, then he both knows everything about the future and has the power to do anything he wants. So we cannot just say that God made a mistake by creating Adam and Eve, it is therefore, I feel, there must be a purpose in God letting evil exist as if he was to destroy evil completely he would eliminate us as well.    

 The justification for the goodness of God in spite of the presence of evil in the world is called theodicy. It deals with the problem and is an attempt to show that it is possible to affirm the omnipotence of God, the love of God and the reality of evil without any contradiction between them. The sceptic’s argument generally is that given the reality of evil, we must sacrifice either the omnipotence or the goodness (love) of God. If we give up the omnipotence of God, it appears that God cannot prevent or overcome evil. If we do without the goodness of God, it seems that God will not prevent or overcome evil. Most theodicies attempt to show that this dilemma is only apparent and that it is possible to affirm both that God is all powerful and perfectly loving, despite the presence of real evil in the world.  

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Before we proceed, it must be noted that some Christian theologians refuse to accept the definition of the problem in these terms. They argue that evil is a practical reality that requires resources that enable us to deal with it and overcome it. This is the Gospel which provides to those who have faith and seek to love God and one another.

Everyone would agree that evil is a practical concern and that we need resources that enable us to cope with it. However, many theologians contend that suffering also has a theoretical dimension. Faith must seek understanding as ...

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