Hinduism VS. Buddhism

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Megan Webster


Updike Global Studies

Hinduism vs. Buddhism

Religion is one of the most controversial subjects. Throughout the ages people have fought and died for it. But what are they fighting about?  Their differences? Well of course they have those, but the one thing that is sometimes over looked is that their similarities outweigh their differences. An example of these different yet so similar religions is Buddhism and Hinduism. The concepts and morals of the religions parallel each other, but the details are unbalanced. To better understand their beliefs, we must know their histories.

Hinduism is the world's oldest religion, and one of its more mysterious ones. For many hundreds of years there has been a search for who founded Hinduism and when it even came into place. Even the authors of its sacred texts are widely unknown. We know of many Gurus, Rishis, saints, and leaders who have reformed and revived the culture, but that is really it. We also know that Hinduism developed out of Brahmanism.  There is no single founder of Hinduism and it existed from time unexplored, as a religion. Hinduism is open to interpretation, and is a collection of a path to wisdom. Though its history we know little of, its future is bright. Hinduism is the third largest religion in the world, after Christianity and Islam. It has about 950 million followers, or 14% of the world's population.

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 Buddhism originated in India from a man named Siddhartha Guatama. Guatama as a boy lived an extravagant life. It was only when he bored of the indulgences of a rich life. He proceeded searching the world for understanding. That is when he then encountered an old man, a corpse, and an ill man, convincing him that suffering lay at the end of all existence. From there, he became a monk and deprived himself of all worldly possessions in hope of comprehending the world around him. One day while meditating under a tree, he had an epiphany of how to be ...

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