
and Equality



The Bible has, over the centuries been treated either as the “Gospel Truth” or a topical collection of parables.

        In the following pages I will attempt to analyse the way some contentious issues are treated by various denominations, using quotations from the Bible to illustrate my arguments.

        Throughout my work I will compare the views of fundamentalist, conservative and liberal Christians in order to include the various views within the religion, rather than make a generalisation.

        The main topic of this piece of coursework is women and their role in Christianity, with particular regard to equality of the sexes and the ordination of women.


1. i) All Christians believe that the Bible is the ‘Word of God’. What do they mean by this?

The Bible is interpreted in many different ways; some Christians believe the Bible must be taken literally, while others believe it is made up of symbolic stories and contains morals, but should not necessarily be taken word for word. These basic attitudes can be summed up simply as fundamentalist, conservative and liberal.

        Fundamentalist Christians believe that the Bible is not the words of men, but literally the Word of God. They believe the Bible contains no errors, and any parts where it appears that a mistake has been made can be explained. The fundamentalist attitude to science is that if science contradicts the Bible (for example, the theory of evolution versus the story of creation) then the Bible is right. These contradictions are also seen as a way of testing one’s faith, therefore the Bible must be followed word for word, which means that fundamentalists find it harder to accept change in the church.

        Conservative Christians believe that the Bible is the Word of God, but written in each writer’s own way, allowing for different interpretations of the same event. They do not feel the Bible teaches science, but faith and knowledge of God but at the same time accept scientific theories. Conservative Christians do not see the Bible as a strict set of rules that should be followed to the letter, which means they are more accepting of reform and change within the church.

        Liberal Christians believe that the writers of the Bible were inspired by God, and they may have had an experience of God and tried to put it into words. Unlike the fundamentalists, the liberals accept that there may be mistakes in the Bible. They believe that a lot of the Bible is just symbolic poetry that should not be taken literally. When science contradicts the Bible, a liberal Christian would look to the symbolism within the Bible, rather than state simply that science is wrong. Liberals accept change in the church, as they recognise that the Bible teaches Christians how to lead their lives, and not how the church should function.

        Different Christian denominations hold different views. While Roman Catholics and the Orthodox Church are quite conservative in their views, the Protestant Church is more liberal, and this can be seen in the differences in worship and practice of the religion. Despite these differences, all Christians believe the Bible is the Word of God (i.e. that God communicates with people through the Bible), though how each individual chooses to interpret this is up to them.

ii) “God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created them. Male and female he created them.” Explain the principal beliefs a Christian holds on equality.

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When it comes to racial equality, Christianity teaches that God's love and salvation are freely available to all people and all racial groups. We are told in John 3:16 “God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” Jesus’ last words to the disciples were that they should “…go and make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:19).

The principal belief a Christian holds on equality of the sexes is that men and women are equal, but have different roles.

        Throughout history men and women have ...

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