Miracles.Jesus was presented as a miracle worker in many ways; he performed healing miracles (LK 18:35-43) Jesus healed a blind beggar, Jesus said to the beggar your faith has healed you

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a.1) Christians believe that a miracle is an event that apparently transcends human power and the laws of nature.  That is attributed to a special divine intervention or to supernatural forces. However there is room for argument.  some choose to believe that a babies first smile is a miracle, this of course dose not transcend human powers or the laws of nature, also some people think that all miracles are legends. Or stories but this does not come into the Christian faith.

a.2) Jesus was presented as a miracle worker in many ways; he performed healing miracles (LK 18:35-43) Jesus healed a blind beggar, Jesus said to the beggar “your faith has healed you” this quote is teaching of devotion to God, the beggar devoted his life to God and truly believed that he would be healed, another example of Christians being healed by there faith is (LK5:17-26) Jesus healed a paralytic, some men lowered the paralytic man from the roof in front of Jesus, Jesus saw their faith and said “friends, your sins are forgiven.” Then he told the paralytic to get and walk and the paralytic did so. This teaching shows that Jesus had the authority to forgive sins and had the power to perform remarkable things.

        Jesus also performed Exorcisms such as, (LK4:31-39) Jesus removed a demand (illness) from a man, with the power of God, Jesus had great influence over the demand and cast it away, this is evidence to support the quote “is Jesus the son of God,” teaching us that Jesus has authority and we should live our lives as he commands, furthermore Jesus performs another exorcism in (LK8:26-39) Jesus removed many demons from a man who called himself Legion because there were so many demons in him, the demands begged for Jesus not to order them to go to the abyss, so Jesus let them go into some pigs, when this happened the pigs ran into a lake and drowned.  This phenomenal event showed that Jesus really does love every one even demons, for he took pity on them because they did not want to go to the immeasurable depths of hell. How ever the pigs died anyway but there’s nothing to prove that Jesus intended for this to happen this also again shows Jesus’ power and authority over the demons.  

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        Jesus performed natural miracles like the one in (LK5:1-11) it is said that man can not rule over mother nature but Jesus did, with his assume ability to perform miracles, where there had been no fish all night Jesus said “let down your nets for a catch” and Simon did so to find so many fish that his nets began to break.  This teaches us just how much power Jesus held within his human body “give a man a fish and you can let him live for a day, give a man a thousand fish and his whole village can ...

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