The subject my group chose to present is euthanasia.

In planning the format and research strategies for the presentation, the first thing that was decided upon were the roles of each member. Each individual noted down their main themes and issues that would be tackled. Initially, I was allocated the task of researching and presenting the economical context of euthanasia, however this soon changed for me as I I found difficulties in obtaining a wide range of information for this limited topic. As a result, it was decided that I would alternatively explore the social context of euthanasia as well as being allocated the task of keeping a detailed log of the research strategies used.
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The presentation was divided into four sections:

i. Law

ii. Social

iii. Medical and

iv. Religious contexts.

There was a problem in this set up because the religious context being researched by one member of the group, falls under the social aspect of our subject, which meant that much preparation as care had to be taken so a s to avoid repetition in the presentation. Eventually, however, this was achieved after much discussion.

The reason for dividing the presentation into four topics and giving each person their own, was to avoid confusion ...

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