RE racism course work

Part 1: i) what is racism?


1) The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others.

2) Discrimination or prejudice based on race.


  1. Belief that a particular race of people is better than others.
  2. Hostility towards people of other races.

(Oxford new school dictionary)

Racism occurs when people become prejudice against people who look different to them because of the colour of their skin or have a different religion.

Racism can be from holding and showing strong views against people through verbally abusing people right up physical abuse of people who to them may seem ‘different’ to them selves but actually are not. In modern society there is no excuse for racism, as every body knows that there is no difference between a black person and a white person except the colour of their skin. Christians are raised to know that racism wrong and in the Church of England and the Roman Catholic Church disapprove of racism in any form.

Racism is not something new it has been around for centuries. An example of this is in the 1700’s when black Africans were sold to Americans as slaves. Thousands of people have died from acts of racism an example of this is the holocaust, sometimes called ethnic cleansing by Nazis, was an attempt to kill thousands of Jews just because of their religion. Even today people are still dying from acts of racism an example of this is Stephen Lawrence who was beaten eventually to death by a gang of white youths the only reason for this attack was that he was black.

 Racism today also takes on some subtle forms for example black people sometimes being by past in promotion in their jobs and some employers are biased towards hiring white people instead of black. It has even been found that there is racism in the police force.

ii) What Christian teaching might be useful in a discussion about racism?

In the world racism is very obvious from insults thrown, too punch-ups. In the bible all this is seen as wrong. As every human is made in Gods image, this comes before whether they are black or white, Jew, gentile. So in Gods eyes racism should not be apparent.

The bible only recognises one human race, and this is shown in the bible in a few places, firstly Genesis where it is said ‘So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.’Genesis1, 27. This says that as God only created two people At the beginning and every one evolved from them then it is only possible that there is one human race. also in genesis the bible says ‘ the man called his wife’s name Eve, because she was the mother of all living.’ this enforces what I said before in that eve is the mother of all living meaning that it is only possible for one human race.

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Also in the bible there is the story of Noah which if true would also mean that there could only be one human race derived from him and his family..

As humans are made in Gods image so if any one says that they love God and hate their brother, is a liar for he who does not love his brother who he has seen cannot love God whom he has not seen. All humans are made in the image of God this precedes even the most basic distinction between humans, male, female, black, white, Jew, gentile.

the bible rejects ...

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