Comparison between Hard Times and the Star

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Comparison between Hard Times and the Star

Like the beginning of Hard Times, the Star is about children and the way that they are treated. Although Hard Times was written a hundred years before the Star but both stories have similar messages and implications. The Star and Hard Times both stress what their authors thought about teaching in their times. An important theme in both stories is the importance of imagination. For ‘Sissy’ Jupe in Hard Times, her imagination is what makes her herself. For the boy Cameron in the Star his imagination is a way of escape from the dystopian world around him. In both stories, these ideas are more important than the characters: but I think that in Hard Times the characters play a much more important role than in the Star, as they are described in much more detail and depth.

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Like Hard Times, the surroundings in the Star connote ideas of entrapment and claustrophobia. The phrase “monotonous vault” in Hard Times suggests a prison like feeling to the schoolroom, while in the Star, “enclosing tenements” connotes a similar feeling about Cameron’s neighbourhood. An important message in both stories is that no matter how hard you try to suppress imagination, it will always resurface. In Hard Times, this is represented by the phrase, “dost thou think that thou wilt always kill outright the robber Fancy lurking within- or sometimes only maim and distort him!” This message is also reflected in ...

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