Does the UK need more nuclear power stations?

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There are a huge number of jobs – there are 9,000 jobs per nuclear power station with huge benefits for the economy. Opposed to talking about nuclear jobs which might be years away from construction, decades away from production, in the last few weeks in Scotland they have announced 500 offshore wind jobs in construction.

These are actual jobs, which are being created now in technologies that are being deployed now and technologies where Scotland has a huge substantial, natural advantage as opposed to nuclear technologies where Scotland has no advantage whatsoever. [2]

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The electricity calculator gives you the opportunity to choose how you would like the UK’s electricity to be generated in 2020.

Once you have made your choice, the calculator will work out the possible impact in terms of carbon emissions, whether you managed to keep the lights on and how it will affect people’s annual bills.

The total demand for electricity in the UK is 358 billion kilowatt hours. The main sources of supply are:

  • Fossil fuels: 253 bn kWh
  • Nuclear: 80 bn kWh
  • Renewable: 15 bn kWh
  • Imports: 10 bn kWh

In 2020, the UK’s demand is ...

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