Effect of X activty on the pulse rate and blood pressure of a human being.

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Effect of X activty on the pulse rate and blood pressure of a human being

The goal of this lab report is to find out what has a greater effect on blood pressure and pulse rate. In order to find out, my team mates and I decided to do three exercises that would call for a great need of energy- thus a lot of blood pumping activity. Running for fifteen minutes, push ups, and sit ups were the three chosen exercises. These three exercises worked different muscles in different ways; thus we assumed they worked the heart in different intensities as well. I predict that running would be the exercise causing the heart to work more as the legs have big muscles and if they are used at a high constant rate for an elongated time, they will require a lot of oxygen- a lot of heart pumping. Running necessitates a lot of time, so we decided to do in the afternoon and we did the push ups and sit ups in the mornings.

The tools used for this lab were our bodies, and a blood pressure measuring machine. The first thing we did in order to start the experiment was take a control measurement of our pulse rate and blood pressure before starting any exercises. As we decided to do the push ups and sit ups in the morning and the running in the afternoon, we decided it would be best to take two control measurements, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. For the push ups, thirty push ups were done by each subject, at separate times though- as there was only one blood pressure measuring machine- each subject had a turn. After each set the blood pressure was taken. After resting until we reached normal heart rate, we did fourty sit ups and measured the pulse and blood pressure in the same way as we took the measurements after the push ups. The next step was to go and run. The only convenient time for us to do so together was in the afternoon. We took an afternoon control measurement as explained before, and we ran for fifteen minutes without pause. At the end of the fifteen minute run we went to take our pulse rates and blood pressure. The problem at this point was that we only had one machine to take measurements for three people at the same time. In order to balance this problem out we decided that while someone was taking their blood pressure, we would keep moving in order to keep the pulse rate and blood pressure at the same level.
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The data shows that the control blood pressure and pulse rate was generally higher in the afternoon than in the morning- this could've thrown off our results for running. One thing that we should've changed right at this point was to do all the exercises in the same time- either morning or afternoon. The running had the most drastic effect on the heart- the pulse rate jumped from 70 to around 125 (for Yuval and Bakor) and from 91 to 145 for Ralph, as we will observe later, it is a greater difference ...

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