Find out how changing the surface which a margarine tub is launch on, influences how long it takes it stop.

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Science Investigation to see how changing a surface affects the stopping distance of a margarine tub.


        I am going to find out how changing the surface which a margarine tub is launch on, influences how long it takes it stop.


        During this test I have a chance at changing the variables, which are:

  • Mass, (how much weight I amply to the tub) If I changed the mass in the tub, it would either get heavier or lighter. If the mass increased the pressure on the surface would also increase, which would push the tub against the surface harder so it will slow down more as its more likely to hit fibres/particles.


  • Surface (how rough or smooth the surface it) If I change the surface to a smoother one, it will slide better and take longer for it to slow down, as there want be as much friction acting on the base of the tub, as there is less fibres/particles sticking up, which would come into contact with the base of the tub.

  •  Thrust (how much energy I use to propel the tub forward) If I propel the tub faster, then it will take longer for the tub to slow down, as it has to slow down from a higher speed.

  • Size ( how big the tub is (how large the surface area is, which is in contact with the running surface) If I increase the surface area of the tub, then there will not be more friction, but just a larger area on which friction will act, and so will slow the tub down.  

  I will only change the surface in which the margarine tub will be running on. The surfaces I will use will all be different from very rough to very smooth.

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        I will be measuring the distance from the front of the tub when it is pulled back into the elastic band, to the front of the tub, when it stops.

I will keep the Mass, Thrust, and Size of the tub the same. By doing this it will keep the test simpler. Plus make the results more reliable, because there are not so many things to check and things which could go wrong.


        I predict the rougher a surface is the small the stopping distance. I think this will occur because there is a lot of resistance from ...

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