I will do an experiment to find out how temperature affects the speed of reaction when hydrochloric acid is added to Thiosulphate solution.

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Ayesha Parvez

10Foley A 10.1



AIM: I will do an experiment to find out how temperature affects the speed of reaction when hydrochloric acid is added to Thiosulphate solution.

METHOD: I will get a measuring cylinder and measure out 50cl of Thiosulphate. I will then also measure out 5cl of Hydrochloric acid in a separate measuring cylinder. I will insert the Thiosulphate into a beaker and insert the liquid to my desired temperature using a Bunsen burner.  When it has reached the certain temperature that I want, I will place the beaker upon a piece of paper marked with a cross, add the 5cl of dilute acid, stir the solution 5 times and observe until the cross has disappeared. I will begin timing when the acid is added and I will stop timing once the cross is no longer visible. I will repeat this same experiment several times but when the Thiosulphate solution is at different temperatutes.

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PREDICTION:  I predict that the higher the temperature of the Thiosuphate, the less time it will take for the dilute acid to react.


  • 2 measuring cylinders        
  • 1 beaker
  • Tripod
  • Bunsen Burner
  • Heatproof Mat
  • Stirrer
  • Thiosulphate solution
  • Dilute Acid
  • Thermometer
  • Hydrochloric Acid
  • Timer



  • The rate that the temperature effects the speed of the reaction.
  • The level of concentration of the Hydrochloric Acid
  • The level of ...

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