The aim of my investigation is to investigate the rate of reaction, when the concentration of hydrochloric acid is changed, when added to a sodium thiosulphate solution.

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Luke wheeler                                                                                               02/05/07

Investigating the effect of concentration on the rate of reaction

The aim of my investigation is to investigate the rate of reaction, when the concentration of hydrochloric acid is changed, when added to a sodium thiosulphate solution.


The key factors (variables) that could be investigated are. Changing the concentration of hydrochloric acid when added to a solution of sodium thiosulphate, also whether or not temperature effects the results of the experiment and also if when they are added together if you stir them in or not. My prediction is that when the concentration of sodium thiosulphate is increased, the time taken for the reaction to take place will also increase. Because there is more sodium thiosulphate particles colliding into and bumping into the particles of hydrochloric acid therefore a reaction will happen quicker.

Fair testing  

The variable that I will change is the concentration of sodium thiosulphate added to the hydrochloric acid. The variable that I will measure is the time taken for the black cross on the white paper to disappear. To make it a fair test the variable that I will keep the same is to have the same volume of hydrochloric acid when added to the sodium thiosulphate solution. Also I will make sure to do the experiments on the same day so that the sodium thiosulphate solution does not go off and affect the results of the experiment. The last variable that I will keep the same is whether or not we swirl the two liquids together once they are in the flask as this could also affect the rate of reaction.

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Preliminary work

The preliminary work I carried out was, I set up the experiment as I would in the proper experiment and take 3 different readings from 3 different tests. I done this to see if the experiment works well and so that I can get an idea of long the experiment would take. This will help me so that I get a rough idea of how to set it up and so that I can do that quickly in the next lesson without wasting time. I can also use these results to get an accurate prediction of what ...

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