Investigate the factors which affects the distance travelled by a tub propelled by an elastic band.

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Investigate the factors which affects the distance travelled by a tub propelled by an elastic band.


Aim: To find out how far a tub can travel by changing factors, which affect it. In this investigation the variables that affects the distances and is changed is mass that is applied on the tub while increasing the mass of the tub.

Other variables include:

The surface on which the tub is propelled on as some surfaces creates more friction than others. Friction is the force produced when two surfaces rub on each other. Some surfaces produce more friction and so try to prevent the two surfaces from sliding over each. This means that the force stops the tub from travelling far. The greater the friction the shorter the distance is it travels. Smoother surfaces allow the tub to travel further and since the tub is smooth the other surface also needs to be smooth as well in order to do this.

The size of the elastic band, as bigger and thicker bands are more elastic than smaller and thinner ones. Because they are more elastic the band can be stretched more so that the elastic band stores more potential energy and when the tub is released the energy is transferred from elastic band into the tub and the energy changes into kinetic energy as the tub travels forward. Bigger elastic bands can store more potential energy than small ones.

The force, which is applied onto the elastic band. A greater force means a greater distance, because there is more potential energy as the energy is transferred from the hand to the band and then to the tub. The further the band is pulled back the more force is used and so the tub would travel further than when a small force is used.

In this experiment the factor that is changed is the mass of the tub and the force is kept. Then the force is changed but kept constant while the mass is increased. This is related to the formula of

Force in N= mass in kg x acceleration in m/s2

Preliminary work:

Before doing the actual experiment we tried out different methods to propel the tub. First we used two stools and put an elastic band on one foot on each stool. The elastic band was put around the edge of the tub so that the tub was inside the band. The band was twisted by rotating the tub and then we it was released. The result was that it flew upwards and then forwards. The more it was twisted the further the tub should have gone however the tub was released from the band. Also this wasn’t a good method to measure the distance the tub travelled, as we would need to do more unnecessary measurements. This meant we couldn’t use this technique.

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We adapted the set so that instead flying upwards it would slide along the floor. The other change was to catapult rather than twisting as we could measure the distance it travelled.

Equipment List


2 fat elastic bands


Newton meter

10g weights




  1. A hole is made in the tub
  2. An elastic band is cut and then thread through the hole
  3. A knot in the elastic band on the inside of the tub so it can’t fall out.
  4. A Newton metre is attached to ...

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