Is Aluminium a Suitable Metal for Manufacturing Bicycles?

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Is Aluminium a Suitable Metal for Manufacturing Bicyces?

Extraction Process for Aluminium

The ore of aluminium is Bauxite and it contains 52.9% aluminium and 47.1% oxygen. The extraction of aluminium takes three main stages:

* The mining of bauxite

* Refining of the ore to produce aluminium oxide

* Electrolysis of aluminium oxide to produce aluminium


Bauxite is mined by removing the top layers of soil and then removing the ore from the area by use of explosives to break it into moveable pieces. The bauxite is then crushed on site, sometimes washed to remove soil and clay and then dried in a kiln or it may just be dried. It is then ready to be transported by railway or ships to refineries.


Bauxite is made of aluminium oxide-2-water (Al2O3.2H2O) and silicon (IV) oxide (SiO2) and iron (III) oxide (Fe2O3). The bauxite is refined to extract pure aluminium oxide:

* The bauxite is ground

* Then heated with concentrated NaOH (aq)

* This forms a solution of sodium aluminate and sodium silicate, plus a residue of iron (III) oxide, which is removed.

* CO2(g) is blown in and the sodium silicate remains in solution, but a precipitate if aluminium hydroxide is formed.

* The mixture is then filtered, washed and heated to leave anhydrous aluminium oxide (alumina).
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* Al2O3 is left.


This is how the aluminium and oxygen is separated, through reduction. First the aluminium oxide is added to cryolite (Na3AlF6) to lower its melting point then it is melted at 950'C and placed in an electrolysis cell. The cell is made of steel and is lined with graphite, which is the negative electrode, cathode. At the top of the cell there is the positive electrode, anode, also made of graphite. It is the cathode which reduces the aluminium by giving it electrons.

As the mixture is melted the ions are ...

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Punctuation, grammar and spelling are all to a good standard. The layout is done very well using clear sub-headings, tables and diagrams to explain the metal thoroughly.

I don't think the extraction of aluminium needs to be explained in as much detail as its not directly relevant to the use of the metal in manufacturing bikes. The candidate does explain the extraction of aluminium well and concisely, but does not link to how this relates to the main question at all. The candidate does explore another range of issues pertaining to the use in bikes such as the finance, environmental issues, and production leading to a nice summary table in the summary. I think the candidate should have explained the properties of the metal a lot more as this would be one of the main factors in the metals use.

The response to the question is done well. The candidate explores a variety of factors which relate to the properties and use of aluminium for bike frames in a good depth. The summary table is adequate with a good stand alone conclusion.