Mutagenesis: The Effect of Radiation on Radish Seeds.

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Mutagenesis: The Effect of Radiation on Radish Seeds

Sujata A. Sardar


        Radiation refers to high-energy waves that have the capability to damage the molecular structure of atoms within cellular macromolecules, often resulting in genetic mutations due to DNA damage.  The effects of radiation can be seen through the observations of radish seeds.  We examined the effect of dosages (50,000 rads, 150,000 rads, 500,000 rads, and 4 million rads) of gamma radiation on the growth of radish seeds and compared the phenotypic results to plant growth at 0 rads, or unexposed, seeds.  Our findings indicate that the greater the dosage of gamma radiation exposed to the seeds prior to germination, the greater the effect radiation will have on the seed phenotypes and therefore the greater mutation or damage that the DNA of the seed undergoes.  Also, we saw that there may be a threshold level of radiation to which seeds must be exposed prior to seeing affects in their growth.


        The term “radiation” covers a wide array of types of energy, which range from nonionizing radiation to ionizing radiation.  Nonionizing radiation is a type of radiation that includes microwaves, visible light, and ultraviolet light.  Ionizing radiation includes x-rays, gamma rays, alpha and beta particles, and neutrons.  Radiation is caused by the nuclear decay of radioisotopes.  During this process, the radioisotope changes from one isotope to another and emits one or more form of radiation (South Dakota).  

        Three major types of ionizing radiation exist: alpha particles, beta particles, and gamma rays (Guidance).  Two neutrons and a proton (a helium nucleus) comprise alpha particles.  Due to their relatively high mass, alpha particles do not travel very long distances; these particles release energy by colliding with atomic electrons.  Beta particles are negatively charged particles, similar to electrons, formed by nuclear changes which are ejected from the nucleus approaching the speed of light.  Beta decay occurs when a proton or neutron spontaneously changes.  Beta particles tend to travel farther than alpha particles.  Gamma decay is the third and most penetrating type of radiation.  During gamma decay, the radioisotope emits a gamma ray, which is a type of electromagnetic radiation with zero mass and high speed (Guidance).  Gamma rays originate from changes in the nucleus during isotope decay.  This form of radiation has the greatest ability to penetrate other materials (South Dakota).  

        Upon contact with cellular macromolecules, the high-energy waves of radiation have the ability to damage the molecular structure of the atoms contained in the macromolecules.  The phenotype of an organism is coded for by the organisms cellular DNA; therefore, damage to DNA due to radiation may result in genetic mutations which may exhibit phenotypic change (Baumstark).  

        Seeds contain dormant plant embryos.  Upon fertilization occurring, the zygote formed undergoes repeated cell divisions to form an embryo.  Growth of the plant is halted early in development until the seed is placed under favorable conditions for growth, such as ideal temperature, proper moisture, and suitable lighting.  Because seeds in early development are not actively growing, they can generally withstand rather high doses of radiation as compared to animal embryos (Baumstark).  

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        Radish seeds are a good form of experimental seeds.  These seeds generally grow in a fairly short amount of time under the proper lighting conditions and with a good hydration supply.  When exposed to moderate amounts of radiation, radish seeds tend to exhibit phenotypic changes, such as growth defects and discoloration.  All seeds are exposed to natural radiation, as is everything in the world.  Consequently, a small amount of radiation is predicted to have null effect on the growth of plant seeds (Health Physics Society).  However, the higher the dosage of radiation that seeds are exposed to, the greater the ...

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