Questions and answers on the 'Photoelectric Effect'.

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Physics Assessment Task

Part 1

  1. Explain what is meant by the ‘Photoelectric Effect’.

The Photoelectric effect occurs when light falls onto a metal surface and electrons are emitted. This not only depends on the frequency and intensity of light, but also the metal.

Einstein explained this phenomenon by employing the ‘Particle Theory” of light, claiming that there are photons in light, and these are packets of energy. When atoms of an element are irradiated by a light source, the electrons can absorb energy from these photons and move into a higher energy shell. The light must have a minimum frequency or energy for this process to be exhibited. It was found that if light was at, or above, this certain minimum frequency, then the amount of electrons emitted is proportional to the intensity of light.

Later is was found that each metals has a minimum frequency required to release electrons, it was proved that if the light frequency was below this minimum value no electrons would be ejected, no matter how intense the light was. When the frequency was above the minimum electrons would be released and the more intense the light or the more photons the more electrons that were emitted. Also higher frequency EMR displayed this effect the best.

  1. How are the photoelectric effect and the property of semi-conduction combine in solar cell technology to produce useable electric current?

The property of semiconduction and the photoelectric effect are combined to form a solar cell.

Semi conductors have different energy bands compared with conductors and insulators. In the band theory, the gap between the valance band and the conduction band are reasonably small, compared to that of an insulator, but more than of a conductor. At absolute zero the valance band is completely full though as the temperature rises some electrons gain enough energy to jump the gap to the conduction band thus once there is plenty of electrons in this band, current will flow.

When a semi-conductor such as in group IV elements like silicon is doped, there has been an addition of an impurity into the crystal structure, for example the doping of valance V elements such as phosphorus. Phosphorus has one extra electron compared to the four of silicon, thus only four electrons will be shared with the silicon atoms in valance bonds, leaving the fifth free to contribute to an electric current if subjected to a potential difference. This is called an N-Type semi-conductor. As the free charge carrier is an electron with a negative charge.

Next if silicon was doped with Aluminium, which has one less electron in its outer shell, it can only contribute three electrons compared to the four needed for bonding with silicon. This is thought of as the existence of a hole. When a potential difference is applied to this, an electron from a nearby site will advance and fill this hole. Though when this happens a hole is left where the electron migrated from and is in turn filled by another electron and so on. This is known as the “Motion of the Holes”. The doped semi-conductor described above is called a P-Type semi-conductor.

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Now when the two types of semi-conductors are combined in a p-n junction, electrical energy can be produced.

In the N-Type there are many electrons (from the phosphorus atoms, having 5 electrons) and in the P-Type there is a deficiency in electrons (from the Aluminium atoms only having 3 electrons), when they are joined electrons from the N-Type diffuse into the P-Type and fill holes near the boundary, leaving holes in the N-Type, near the boundary.

This transferring of electrons leaves a depletion zone near the junction. The silicon is now electrically charges and the N-Type is positive and ...

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