The Evolution and Current Composition of the Atmospheres of Earth and Mars

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       The Evolution and Current Composition of the Atmospheres of

                Earth and Mars

The essay begins by looking at the birth of our solar system and formation of Mars and Earth. The origins of the atmospheres of the two planets are considered and attention then turns to the early atmospheres themselves. Regarding Mars, predominance is given to the mechanisms responsible for the removal of the planets atmosphere. This is mainly because its early removal precluded further evolution. Consideration is then given to the evolution of Earth’s atmosphere from the Hadean, through the Archean and Proterozoic. Due emphasis is placed on the appearance of life in the Archean and its effect on atmospheric chemistry. The essay ends by looking at the two planets present day atmospheres.

Mars is a terrestrial or ‘Earthlike’ planet composed of rocks and metals and was formed in much the same way as the Earth, by the accretion of planetesimals by gravitational attraction during the birth of our solar system 4.5 billion years ago. Two processes could have formed the early atmospheres of Earth and Mars. During the “Heavy Bombardment” period Earth and Mars were frequently struck by large amounts of residual material which had escaped earlier accretion. Some of this material would have taken the form of comets, which are composed mainly of water, carbon dioxide and other gases locked up in their frozen form. Comets could have carried in the water and gasses that formed the early atmospheres.

Both Earth and Mars probably began as undifferentiated mixtures of planetisemals and other solar nebular materials. Their recent accretion from planetesimals, whose immense kinetic energy transformed to heat upon impact, would have caused global melting. Through the process known as ‘differentation’ the heavier materials sank to the planets interiors forming iron cores, whilst the lightest materials rose to the surface forming the crust. Differentation would have been synonymous with intense volcanism and plate tectonic activity, consequently the atmospheres could have formed from the water and gasses emitted by ‘outgassing’. Evidence of plate tectonic activity on Mars is sparse, but the planet was certainly volcanically active. The Martian volcano “Olympus Mons” is probably the biggest volcano in the solar system at 27 km high and 600 km wide.

Because of the intense heat, the early atmosphere of Mars (Noachian < 3.5 billion years ago) would most likely to have been steam, which condensed out onto the surface as the planet cooled. For a short time the very early Noachian atmosphere contained a vast amount of hydrogen produced by the reaction of water with the molten iron core. The hydrogen was subsequently vented via volcanoes to the surface and quickly lost to space due to its lightness. Volcanoes also released carbon dioxide, nitrogen, sulphur dioxide and methane. Carbon dioxide and nitrogen were the dominant gasses of the early Martian atmosphere, which may have been denser than Earth’s present atmosphere.

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The strong evidence of liquid water on Mars 3.6 to 4 billion years ago suggests a thick greenhouse. A CO² atmosphere becomes unstable with liquid water around. CO² was the major constituent of Mars’s early atmosphere, and still is (Table 1). CO² is also a greenhouse gas. As Mars cooled and volcanic activity ceased, the flux of CO² from the interior of the planet came to an end, whilst rock weathering and the subsequent burial of carbonate minerals continued a one-way flux of CO² into the planets interior. This process continued until nearly all the CO² had been removed from the ...

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