To investigate the effect of concentration of dilute hydrochloric acid when it reacts with magnesium metal.

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Catherine Thomas 10DR

Year 10 GCSE Chemistry Coursework
Rate of Reactions

To investigate the effect of concentration of dilute hydrochloric acid when it reacts with magnesium metal.

Scientific Knowledge:
Concentrated acid contains many acid particles. In order for a reaction to take place acid particles must collide with magnesium atoms breaking the chemical bonds, there must also be enough energy within the reaction for them to collide; otherwise they would simply bounce off each other. A reaction that does have enough energy to create a reaction is referred to as an effective collision. Within a reaction containing a high concentration of acid, a collision between acid particles and magnesium atoms is very likely. The more collisions made, the quicker the reaction will take place. Therefore using dilute acid, as there are not as many particles, collisions between the acid particles and magnesium atoms are less likely causing the reaction to take more time. Some reactions, such as iron and oxygen, have such a slow reaction rate, that it can take up to a day to react.

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Magnesium + sulphuric acid ==> magnesium sulphate + hydrogen

Mg(s) + H2SO4 (aq) ==> MgSO4 (aq) + H2 (aq)

Magnesium will react with hydrochloric acid because it is higher in the reactivity series than hydrogen. When the two chemicals react a displacement reaction will take place and the magnesium will displace the hydrogen in the hydrochloric acid forming magnesium chloride and hydrogen gas.


I predict that as the temperature increases due to the reaction, the reaction will increase further, because at a higher temperature molecules move around faster as they have more energy, therefore increasing the likelihood of ...

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