How will changing the concentration of hydrochloric acid change the rate at which it reacts with magnesium?

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How will changing the concentration of hydrochloric acid change the rate at which it reacts with magnesium?

Aim: To find out if changing the concentration of hydrochloric acid changes the rate of reaction with magnesium.


  • Acid concentration. This is the variable we are testing. I will change this by measuring the amount of acid and water in each solution.
  • Room Temperature. I will not be able to control this but if the room temperature changes significantly I can put the experiment in the fridge or heat it up to make it the right temperature.
  • Temperature of acid. I will measure the temperature with a thermometer and if it is too hot or cold I will heat it or cool it to make it the right temperature. This could affect the experiment because heating up a reaction will make it react faster and it would not be a fair test.
  • Temperature of magnesium. I cannot measure the temperature of magnesium but I will use all of the magnesium from the same pot so it is all roughly the same temperature. This would affect the experiment because if a reaction is warmer it will react faster and would not be a fair test.
  • Amount of acid. I will measure the amount of acid I put into the solution each time with a measuring cylinder. This could affect the experiment because if there was more acid it would take less time to react.
  • Amount of magnesium. I will count the pieces of magnesium I use each time and make sure it is the same amount. This could affect the experiment because if I used different amounts of magnesium it would take less or more time to react and therefore would be an unfair test.
  • Mass of the magnesium. I will weigh the pieces of magnesium to make sure they are the same mass. This could affect the experiment as pieces of magnesium with a bigger mass would take longer to react then pieces of magnesium with a smaller mass.
  • Shape and size of pieces of magnesium. I will use all of the magnesium from the same pot so they will be the same size and shape. This could affect the experiment because if the pieces of magnesium had different surface areas they would react at different times and it would not be a fair test.
  • Stirring the solution. I will not stir any of the solutions. This could affect the experiment as stirring the reaction would make it react faster and it would not be a fair test.
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I predict that the higher the acid concentration is, the faster the rate of reaction will be. The lower the acid concentration, the slower the reaction will be. I think this because when the acid is concentrated, there are more particles of acid between the water particles, so therefore the acid particles are more likely to get to the magnesium particles and there will be more collisions per second. The acid particles would react faster with the magnesium particles therefore the rate of reaction will be faster.


  • Measuring cylinder
  • Hydrochloric Acid
  • Water
  • Magnesium
  • ...

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