What is the effect of concentration of H2O2 on the rate of catalase activity?

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James Trebilco                

What is the effect of concentration of H2O2 on the rate of catalase activity?

Aim: -

This is an experiment to examine how the concentration of the substrate hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) affects the rate of reaction of the enzyme catalase.

Preliminary: -

Enzymes such as catalase are proteins. They are specific to a certain shape and are used to speed up a certain reaction. They do not run out for they are not used up. Catalase is a catalyst. Catalase is an enzyme found in food such as potato and liver. It is manufactured by cells to break down H2O2 (hydrogen peroxide) a poisonous bi-product of metabolism. Catalase speeds up the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen as shown in the equation below.


                              2H2O2  ⎯⎯⎯→ 2 H2O + O2

                        hydrogen                   water   oxygen


It is able to speed up the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide because the shape of its active site matches the shape of the hydrogen peroxide molecule. This type of reaction where a molecule is broken down into smaller pieces is called a catabolic reaction.

Fair testing: -

To make my experiment a fair test I shall use the same equipment, although washed after each experiment and properly dried. I shall take my results in the same way every time and I shall repeat myself to give me a more accurate reading by decreasing the amount of anomalies. All the variables except for the concentration of hydrogen peroxide must be kept the same for all experiments. Variables that must not be altered include:

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        Catalase Concentration,

         Dimensions of potato,

          Air pressure


When measuring the volumes of water and hydrogen peroxide, the measurement should be taken from a 90-degree angle to avoid parallax error.

Method: -

To test out how the concentration of hydrogen peroxide affects the rate of reaction first set up the apparatus and prepare the different concentrations of hydrogen peroxide as below:

 Concentration of Hydrogen Peroxide Volume of Hydrogen Peroxide (cm3)    Volume of Tap Water (cm3)
25                   ...

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