Why is sexual reproduction so common in nature?

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Why is sexual reproduction so common in nature?

One of the greatest challenges for evolutionary biology is explaining the widespread occurrence of sexual reproduction, and the associated process of genetic recombination.  Sexual reproduction involves one individual combining half its DNA with half of DNA of another individual, so that the offspring is only half genetic copy of each parent.  However, in asexual reproduction, the offspring are genetic copies of the parent.  Thus, sexual reproduction poses an evolutionary problem because it seems to be half as efficient a method of reproducing as asexual reproduction.  Asexual females can potentially produce twice as many daughters as sexual females, so that the ratio of asexual to sexual females should initially double each generation, resulting in the ‘two-fold cost of sex’.

In addition to this 50% cost and the dilution of the individual’s genome, sexual reproduction also presents other disadvantages in comparison to asexual reproduction.  First and foremost there is the cost of recombination - favourable gene combinations that have increased in frequency under the action of natural selection are broken up.  Secondly,  the process of sexual reproduction requires a significant cellular-mechanical cost as sex requires meiosis, syngamy and karyogamy.  A great amount of time is taken up by these three processes alone, and far exceeds the time required for two mitotic divisions.  Also, these processes are unnecessarily complicated if reproduction is sole objective.  Asexual spores and meiosis-bypassing apomixis appears much more efficient. Thirdly, sexual species can not perpetuate what are often fitness-improving types (eg: triploids, aneuploids).  Finally, the actual physical contact between organisms/gametes entails risks separate from those that are maintained by sexual competition.  One of the primary costs of initial contact is the risk of disease or parasite transmission.  Another significant cost associated with fertilisation is the eminent wastage of gametes, or more appropriately in some cases, a waste of effort transmitting gametes.

Given all of these costs, we would expect natural selection to favour asexual reproduction in wild populations, however, it generally does not: sexual reproduction is widespread throughout the animal and plant kingdoms.  Sexual reproduction must enjoy some evolutionary advantage, which means that the advantage is not caused by the process itself, but by the changes it causes in progeny genotypes (as a result of recombination), which should drive the evolution of sex.  Thus, the problem of explaining sex is to find a compensating advantage of sexual reproduction that is large enough to make up for its cost.

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Many theoretical models have been developed to show the conditions under which there is a sufficiently large short-term advantage for sex to offset this two-fold cost.  The general consensus amongst evolutionary biologists is that there are two relatively convincing, modern day theories.  Both of these theories are concerned with a deterministic advantage to sex and recombination through the production of genetically variable offspring.  This increases efficiency of selection, and hence accelerates the increase in mean fitness.

The first of the two theories is known as the Mutational Deterministic Hypothesis (Kondrashov, 1988), and states that sexual reproduction can enable ...

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Very high level of grammar, punctuation and spelling.

Technical terms expressed for this level are very advanced compared to what I would expect. Also, analysis and thought processes are a lot more in depth. Also shows examples of looking at a wide range of sources to reach their conclusions which are presented in a very appropriate straight forward analytical way. The only criticism is that the conclusion should be more stand alone and the different reasons for the trains of thought that he examined weighed up and a more appropriate conclusion and the reasons for it reached. Could also include graphs and scientific research data from reports.

Very well done report.Response to the question done very well. Introduction is good, as is the main body of text which examines a range of different theories and the main evidence to go with it. Conclusion should be a lot more in depth but it is adequate for this level. The response of the client is very clear throughout and well analysed.