Measuring the dependence between blood pressure and time

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Lukasz Weclas

Measuring the dependence between blood pressure and hour

Date: 17th – 18th of October 2009

Time: 2 hours

        The aim of the investigation is to examine the dependence between the blood pressure and the hour.

        The role of the blood is to supply organism with oxygen and nutrients. To reach every part of the body, blood is distributed by artery tissues. Because of the large size of human body, blood is pumped from the heart to arteries under certain pressure enabling in filling its role.

        It is known that blood pressure is change by many factors, e.g. exercises, eating habits or smoking. Throughout the day, the need for oxygen is changing, causing the change of blood pressure.

        What is worth investigating is to examine how much blood pressure varies throughout the day and find possible reasons for eventual changes.


Both systolic and diastolic blood pressure will be the highest in the middle of the day, and lowest in the night.


Tab.1  Dependent and independent variables

Tab.2 Controlled and uncontrolled variables

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  • Sphygmomanometer
  • Stethoscope
  • Clock
  • Pen and piece of paper


  1. Conduct a brief inquiry about person’s gender, age and sport style (either passive or active)
  2. Measure the person’s blood pressure:
  1. The examined person has to sit comfortably with the hand resting on a table
  2. Wrap the cuff around the upper arm of his/her left hand, about 2,5 cm above the elbow
  3. Place the funnel of the stethoscope on the inner part of the elbow
  4. Pump the air into the cuff and observe the blood pressure registered on a column of the ...

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