Position Paper: The Contribution of Globalization to Sustainable Prosperity

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The Contribution of Globalization to Sustainable Prosperity

        As citizens of this country and this world, we may be asked the question “To what extent does globalization contribute to the sustainable prosperity of all people.” Many people will not be able to give you an answer, some may give a vague explanation of globalization or sustainability that in fact has nothing to do with the topic being spoken of. This shows how much we are unaware of the world we live in today. As responsible global citizens, we must be aware of events occurring around us to a broader level. I believe that all people should be knowledgeable and have a deeper understanding about the situation of the global world they are living in. If this happens, people may have a better understanding of how to take control and aid those in need and environment leading to a society with sustainable prosperity. This should be a prosperity that does not compromise the well-being of the future generations. Globalization is leading to many of those in higher power to take more than they should because of greed. Slowly they have started to ignore the needs of others in order to fulfill their desires. In order to achieve sustainable prosperity for all generations we as individuals, communities, transnational corporations, and governments must take the consequences that come with our actions and right them. Globalization is taking a huge toll on the way we treat the world around us, but we should not let it influence every decision we make and every action we take.

        A common phrase people say is “Don’t bite off more than you can chew.” This is especially true for the greedy people in society who chose to make decisions based on what will benefit themselves but not even consider how others will be affected. Globalization has broadened the trade network and has enabled certain individuals to obtain more wealth. It is human nature to want more than what we have, to never be fully satisfied. When they are already wealthy, they slowly want more and more wealth. This leads obtaining more goods than they need, to sell more and acquire more money. If we cannot limit ourselves, we will run out of raw material. Whatever we take we must replace. Numerous logging companies are now pressured to replant saplings in the deforested lands to help sustain the natural order. If we did not do this, oxygen levels will go down, along with pollution (CO2) levels rising to the point where many people start to develop illnesses. For this type of situation, globalization would have been the downfall of a healthy environment. It would have been globalization that leads to business becoming extremely competitive and the high demands of the consumers worldwide. This is not sustainable prosperity, and though a minority of the world is taking action and petitioning and rioting for the logging companies to be more considerate of the environment and stop deforestation, this could have been prevented. Transnational corporations are always looking for the cheapest products, and they can easily acquire these by taking them from third world countries, or developing nations. In the Amazon forest, there are hundreds of trees being cut down by the second. The Amazon rainforest is our biggest oxygen producing forest, without it, the buildup of greenhouse gases will increase rapidly. There are many consequences following the deforestation of forests worldwide. These are consequences that the CEO’s of logging companies have failed to see, or are ignoring, because they have been blinded by their greed for money and power. This is a change that we must make, us as global citizens. As Mahatma Gandhi one said, “Be the change you want to see in the world.”

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Speaking of transnational corporations, many COE’s make a wonderful public image for their company, but behind the well-built propaganda lays many lies. It is natural in business for companies to deceive and lie to their consumers to earn their loyalty and trust. To them, keeping their stock up, or money flow consistent is their main goal. Saving money by using cheap labor and low quality goods is what they look for. Even in a fully developed nation, Wal-Mart still makes a statement. This company has no workers union, thus leading to their workers being paid minimum wage and having absolutely ...

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