nasal carriage of s.aureus

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Analytical microbiology lab report

Name : Apu sarwar

Class : analytical and pharmaceutical chemistry

Date of practical: 2/10/12 and 9/10/12 and 16/10/12

Title: Estimation of the prevalence of nasal carriage of Staphylococcus aureus in the nasal passages of this class of college students.(three part all together)

Objective: This prospective investigation on healthy college student is undertaking to estimate the prevalence of S.aureus nasal carriage and identify the micro organism by using different media and test  like gram stain.

Introduction: Staphylococci  are often found in the human nasal cavity (and on other mucous membranes) as well as on the skin. S. aureus is with some frequency found as normal human flora, Approximately 30% of adults and most children are healthy periodic nasopharyngeal carriers of S. aureus.

Staphylococcus aureus  (coagulate-positive staphylococci). Staphylococcus aureus is the most pathogenic species and is implicated in a variety of infections. to diagnostic them it is very important to identify this microorganism. there is many way the micro organism can identify. Here different media and staining will apply to identify the organism.

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Method: for material and method the lab manual was followed.

Result :

Table 1 : Identification of organisms from the nasal swab in class 1.

Table 2: swab from nose to msa and nutrient agar class 2.

Table 3: organism from  MSA and nutrient agar to DNA agar. (Analysis before put HCl)

Table 4: Analysis after put HCl.

Table 5: Total result in class


Nasal swabs were obtained with cotton-wool swabs. The left and right anterior nares were ...

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