The Effect of copper sulphate on the activity of catalase.

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Planning        OCR AS Biology Coursework

Title: The Effect of copper sulphate on the activity of catalase.

Aim: The aim of this experiment is to determine how copper sulphate affects the activity of catalase through the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen gas. The activity of catalase can only be determined by the volume of oxygen evolved in the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide.

The enzyme catalase is an oxidase that catalyses the decomposition of hydrogen-peroxide to form water and oxygen.

H2O 2                                H2O + O2

In the above reaction, hydrogen-peroxide acts as the substrate, when mixed with the enzyme catalase (which will be yeast in the experiment). The hydrogen-peroxide and catalase will then react to form an enzyme-substrate complex which results to the formation of two products which are water molecule and oxygen gas.

The inhibitor used in this experiment will be copper sulphate which will have effect on the activity of catalase.

The activity of catalase can be measured by measuring the amount of oxygen produced when mixed with hydrogen-peroxide. The resulting effervescence can be exploited to measure the rate of enzyme reaction.


The basic reaction mixture contains simply hydrogen peroxide (substrate) and yeast (as the source of enzyme) with or without copper sulphate.

Adding yeast will start the reaction, and then the measurements will be taken immediately.

 A brief method of carrying out this experiment would be to react constant amounts of, yeast (catalase), constant amounts of the variable in concern (copper sulphate), this is part of the fair test, because varying the amount of the enzyme in both the reaction would give results without trends that follow each other, reacting with various amounts of the substrate, Hydrogen peroxide, in solutions with different concentrations i.e. varying the amount of water in the solution.

The yeast would be the last substance added (because at the moment which it is added, the reaction begins) at which moment the stop clock would start ticking measuring the amount of oxygen produced in the reaction at time ranges from 0-140seconds, at intervals of 20 seconds, the amount of oxygen produced would be measured.


In this experiment, the variable that is measured- the “dependent variable” is the volume of oxygen evolved which is an indication of the activity of catalase in the reaction.

The variables which have an effect on the amount of oxygen evolved- the “independent variables” are:

  • Volume of hydrogen peroxide
  • Presence of copper sulphate
  • Time

Other factors which are not necessary for the experiment- confounding variables but will have an effect on the dependent variable (volume of oxygen evolved) are:

  • Change in temperature
  • Change in pH
  • Change in concentration of reagents

Fair testing

To make sure this experiment is a fair test;

  • the only factor I will vary will be the volume of water
  • the volume of yeast (catalase) and copper sulphate will be kept constant
  • factors affecting enzyme activity such as pH and temperature will also be kept constant
  • the total volume of reactants will be equal throughout the experiment
  • the volume of oxygen evolved will be take steadily over every 20 second interval
  • the experiment will be repeated three times for every concentration to ensure accuracy

Background information

Enzymes are biological catalysts. They speed up chemical reactions in all living things, and allow them to occur more easily.                                                                                                              The majority of the reactions that occur in living organisms are enzyme-controlled. Without them, the rate of the reactions would be so slow as to cause serious, if not fatal, damage. Without enzymes toxins would soon build up and the supply of respiratory substrate would decrease.
Enzymes are
globular proteins and thus have a specific shape. They are therefore specific in the reactions that they catalyse - one enzyme will react with molecules of one substrate.
The site of the reaction occurs in an area on the surface of the protein called the
active site. Since the active site for all molecules of one enzyme will be made up of the same arrangement of amino acids, it has a highly specific shape.
Generally, there is only one active site on each enzyme molecule and only one type of substrate molecule will fit into it.      

Properties of enzymes

Enzymes are catalysts. They speed up chemical reactions. But they also have other properties that result from their complex globular shape.

  • Enzymes are specific.

This means that each enzyme will catalyse only one particular reaction.

  • Enzymes are not used up in the reactions they catalyse, so they can be used again and again.
  • When enzymes react, they combine with their substrates to form enzyme/substrate complexes. When the reaction has taken place, the products are released, leaving the enzyme as it was at the start.
  • Only a small amount of enzyme is needed to catalyse a lot of substrate.
  • Enzymes are fast acting; they have a high turnover number.

This means they can convert many substrate molecules per unit time.

  • Enzymes are affected by changes in temperature and pH.
  • Many enzymes are only able to work if another chemical called a cofactor is present.
  • Enzyme-catalysed reactions can be slowed down or stopped altogether by chemicals called inhibitors.

Enzyme functioning          

 Several scientists in biochemistry have devised mechanisms often called models to explain how specific enzymes are in relation to their substrate and their reactions they perform. The two models are:

  • The Lock and Key theory
  • The Induced fit theory

The lock and key theory:

Most enzymes are huge globular protein molecules made up of many thousands of atoms along with some metal ions. Their molecules have a very precise shape (tertiary structure) which includes a cleft or pocket called the active site. In the lock and key theory of enzyme action, the substrate fits into a rigid active site like a key into a lock (see diagram below). This is quite a crude model of the chemical mechanism of enzyme action.

Various types of bond including hydrogen bonds and ionic bonds hold the substrate in the active site to form an enzyme-substrate complex. Once the enzyme-substrate complex is formed the enzyme can help change the substrate, either splitting it apart or linking pieces together.

In the lock and key theory, the shape of the substrate must fit the enzyme exactly if a reaction is to be catalyzed. This explains why enzymes are specific, and why any change in enzyme shape, no matter how small, alters its effectiveness. However, it is not a totally satisfactory explanation of enzyme action. If the theory is correct, enzyme action depends on the unlikely event of randomly moving substrate molecules entering the active site in the right orientation. This would be analogous to trying to get a key a key in a lock by throwing it … with your eyes shut!

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The induced fit theory:

The induced fit theory of enzyme action is a modified version of the lock and key theory. It does not depend on such precise contact being made between the substrate and the active site. In this model, the active site is able to change its shape to enfold a substrate molecule. The enzyme takes up its most effective catalytic shape after binding with substrate. The shape of the enzyme is affected by the substrate, just as the shape of a glove is affected by the hand wearing it.

The distorted enzyme molecule in turn distorts the ...

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