A report on Quality Imrovement at Wishton House Ltd

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Contents                                                                                II

Question 1 - Definitions on Quality                                                1

  1.  Definition of Quality at Wishton House                                1
  2.  Difference of Quality between Development team and Café         1

Question 2 - Quality Assessment Tools                                                2

2.1. Check Sheets                                                        3

2.2. Cause and Effect Diagrams                                        4

2.3. Pareto Chart                                                        5

Question 3 - Quality Techniques and their implications                        6

         3.1. Total Quality Management (TQM)                                6

3.2. Six Sigma                                                                7

3.3. The Plan-Do-Study-Act cycle                                        8

Question 4 - Supplier Selection Process & Supplier Strategy                        9

Question 5 - Resource Implications of Recommendations                        11

References                                                                                III


        Appendix 1 - Dimensions of Product and Service Quality                IV

        Appendix 2 - Total Quality Management TQM                                 VII        

        Appendix 3 - Six Sigma                                                        VIII

        Appendix 4 - PDCA        Cycle                                                        X        

Question 1 - Definition of Quality  

1.1. Definition of Quality at Wishton House.

Quality is a word which can be defined in a number of ways. There are five main approaches of defining quality and since the main product of the Wishton House is software. Quality of this product can be defined mainly by using the Manufacturing based approach as well as the user based approach.

Manufacturing based approach – This approach is all about manufacturing error free end products which meet the product specifications defined by the manufacturer. Software is a product which needs to be produced without errors and the customers will definitely look into whether the pre-defined specifications made by the Wishton house are met through the end product.

User based approach – this approach is based on what the customer requires. With this approach it’s not what the manufacturer specifies, it’s all about providing the customer with what they want. Products like soft-wares are used for special requirements and more often than not these requirements are well identified by the manufacturers prior to manufacturing.  

1.2. Difference of quality between the development team and the café

There is a difference between the qualities of these two. The main priority of the development team is to develop software which is the end product of the organization as a whole. The development team produces software which is product.

On the other hand the Café is being managed to provide a supporting service to the employees at the Wishton house which is providing food and drinks at the premises. Since this is a service the quality of it differs from the development team and the dimensions differ from quality of products.

(Refer appendix 1 to get a detailed picture about the dimensions of quality)

As you can see there is a difference between the definitions of the development team as well as the café. Here the quality of the product cannot be judged by service dimensions nor can the service quality be defined by product dimensions. Products and services are unique when it comes to their individual qualities and at the Wishton house the main focus is with the development team and their products, on the other hand the Café provides a service to the Wishton house employees, it can be stated that the quality of the café would ultimately add up to the quality of the end product.

Question 2 - Quality Assessment Tools

        It is always important to look back, asses and analyze the problems that occur in an organization. We recommend the following Tools


2.1. Check Sheets

        Check Sheets are very simple tools, which are used to record, and organize data with the aim of identifying problems. These Check lists may be developed in two approaches, namely according to the Type of Defect and the Location of Defect.

        Figure 1, shows a Check Sheet formulated according to the Type of Defect:

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                    Source: Course Work Scenario

Figure 2 – Check Sheet for Wishton House

2.2. Cause and Effect Diagram

        Cause and Effect Diagrams, also known as Fish Bone Diagrams are basically used to search the causes of a certain problem. In this case my partner and I had a brainstorming session where we came up with the ...

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