"Fit for Purpose" Validation Study on BT Sales Employees
"Fit for Purpose" Validation Study on BT Sales Employees Produced for December 2004 Contents Contents 2 Executive Summary 3 Background and Objectives 5 Method and Procedures 6 Sample 6 Tools 7 Performance Criteria 8 Results 9 System Norms 9 System Validity 10 Beta Weights 12 Conclusions 14 Appendix A - Procedures and Analyses 15 Appendix B - Norms Per Job Group 17 Executive Summary Around 600 sales people were assessed from August - November 2004 from 5 job groups within the Major Business team of the Commercial & Brands business unit of BT Retail. The main aim was to provide BT with information about the profile of good performers within the different groups in their sales force. This exercise was intended as a first step in the process of understanding the profile required for BT's future sales force to ensure that BT can remain competitive in what has become a fast-moving and rapidly changing industry, This exercise was run as a validation study which enabled a broad range of assessments to be given so that they could later be refined to provide BT with bespoke assessments which only assess those qualities proven to impact on BT sales employee performance. 30 scales of CareerHarmony's major new personality inventory were administered, along with an Interpersonal Conflict Coping Inventory, and 3 ability tests. As expected there was a minor variation
"Focus on leadership style"
Philosophy "Focus on leadership style" "Final Project/Presentation" Submitted By: Gulfam Faryad Umer Sarfraz Roll numbers: 2051023 Submitted to: Mrs. Nasreen Rehan National College of Business Administration Date: Apr 17, 2006 Acknowledgements We are grateful to ALLAH Almighty. Secondly to our teacher, Mrs. Nasreen Rehan for her guidance and support throughout the course. Leadership is the capacity to transform vision into reality. -Warren G. Bennis Leadership Styles There are a number of different approaches, or 'styles' to leadership and management that are based on different assumptions and theories. The style that individuals use will be based on a combination of their beliefs, values and preferences, as well as the organizational culture and norms which will encourage some styles and discourage others. * Charismatic Leadership * Participative Leadership * Situational Leadership * Transactional Leadership * Transformational Leadership * The Quiet Leader * Servant Leadership Charismatic Leadership Assumptions Charm and grace are all that is needed to create followers. Self-belief is a fundamental need of leaders. People follow others that they personally admire. Style The Charismatic Leader gathers followers through dint of personality and charm, rather than any form of external power or authority. The searchlight of
"Corporate governance is neither regional nor parochial in nature. It is of global provenance. Comment on these statements."
Student Number: 011072605 Module: EC32810 Lecturer: Dr Lynn Lim Deadline: Monday, 18th April, 2005 Handed In: Monday, 18th April, 2005 Word Limit: 1,500 Word Count: 1458 excluding Bibliography Title "Corporate governance is neither regional nor parochial in nature. It is of global provenance. Comment on these statements." Executive Summary Firstly, I will take a look into the situation of corporate governance, and to then see its effect on a global scale to justify, or falsify, the statement that "corporate governance is neither regional nor parochial in nature. It is of global provenance." To do this I will use various resources, including lecture notes, textbooks, Internet websites, and online journals, not to mention case studies, to define what corporate governance is and to then analyse its placing on a global or national scale. Only then will I be in a position to fully discuss the topic, and title, raised. Main Content and Discussion Corporate governance is indeed a world-wide phenomenon, not simply a national or regional idea. It dictates the way in which companies are run throughout the world, having says in the control of companies. It is the way in which Corporate Boards and officers decided to handle the affairs of their corporations, being defined by Sir Adrian Cadbury in 1992 as "the system by which organisations are directed and controlled"1.
"How has social psychology contributed to understanding of (a) who might emerge as the leader of a group; and (b) what makes an effective leader?
PERSONALITY AND SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY "How has social psychology contributed to understanding of (a) who might emerge as the leader of a group; and (b) what makes an effective leader? Over the centuries, the phenomenon of leadership has been highlighted through literature, art and music. Even the Egyptian hieroglyphics written 5000 years ago include the terms leader and leadership (Bass, 1990). In fact, leadership appears to be one of the universals of human behaviour. While the concept itself has been scrupulously examined in many political and sociological investigations, the genuine psychological analysis into the subject has only begun in the early twentieth century. Traditionally, the research is centered on the trait, behavioral and situational perspectives of leadership. The earliest studies were concentrated on individual qualities that assist some persons to achieve power and authority with later research shifting focus on the conditions, which influence the effectiveness of leaders. The findings led to suggest that leadership is as much an acquired skill as an inborn personal attribute. In order to understand how leaders lead and who is likely to emerge as a leader, social psychology has adapted a variety of different theoretical emphasis and perspectives. Such approach has given this old phenomenon its formal strength and scientific status. Originally, the
"Leadership is defined as the use of non-coercive influence to shape the organizational goals, motivate behavior toward the achievement of those goals and help define group or organization culture."
"Leadership is defined as the use of non-coercive influence to shape the organizational goals, motivate behavior toward the achievement of those goals and help define group or organization culture." I. Introduction The objective of this case study is to identify: * Leadership theories and concepts that have contributed to Herb Kelleher's success at Southwest. * If Herb Kelleher a manager, a leader or both and why? * Leadership qualities should southwest look for in a person who will succeed Herb Kelleher. About Southwest Airlines: Mission: The mission of Southwest Airlines is dedication to the highest quality of Customer Service delivered with a sense of warmth, friendliness, individual pride, and Company Spirit. Leadership: Jim Parker - Vice Chairman of the Board and CEO Colleen Barrett - President, Chief Operating Officer, and Corporate Secretary Herbert (Herb) D. Kelleher - Chairman of the Board and Chairman of the Executive Committee of Southwest Airlines. About the Company: The airline began service June 18, 1971 with flights to Houston, Dallas, and San Antonio. Since May 2003 (through August 2003 - the latest data available) Southwest has been the number one carrier in terms of domestic boardings. Yearend results for 2003 marked Southwest's 31st consecutive year of profitability. Southwest became a major airline in 1989 when it exceeded the billion-dollar
Operational strategy in business.
INTRODUCTION The New Oxford Dictionary of English second edition published in 2003 states: Operational means: relating to the routine functioning and activities of an organisation. The same dictionary also states: Strategy means; a plan of action designed to achieve a long-term or overall aim: strategic planning for the organisation is the responsibility of top management. There are three levels of Strategy: > Corporate > Business > Operational Whatever the context, strategy is concerned with long-term goals and objectives, determining the business we want to be in, the character of the organisation, and building sustainable competitive advantage because that is the key to strategic success. We also need to be aware that the culture, leadership, and symbolic and political processes make implementing strategy or changing strategy problematic. This assignment will only be looking at strategy in the operational context. The assignment will look at different definitions of operational strategy and then show how my organisation, TD Travel Group, could apply strategy in organising a new operational system. TD Travel Group is a travel company that consists of TD Travel Management specialising in business travel, TD Special Events for any group, conference and incentive requirements, TD Roomfinder for all UK and Worldwide hotel accommodation and TD Holiday Options
HP Compaq Merger
Bartley D. Corbin Week 4 - Topic Paper: HP and Compaq Merger Presented to: Professor Nicolas Pologeorgis, Ph.D. In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements of: Managerial Economics - BUSN 6120 Summer 1, 2009 Section QD Table of Contents The HP Compaq Merger 2 2 Supply, Demand and Other Nefarious Economic Principles 3 3 Performance since the Merger 4 4 CONCLUSION: Ask Carly Fiorina 7 5 Bibliography 9 The HP Compaq Merger Leading the charge for the Merger of Compaq to Hewlett Packard was the then Chief Executive Officer, Carly Fiorina. In a speech delivered September 26, 2001 - Fiorina stated, "In dark and serious times like this, we must affirm our commitment to building societies and institutions that aspire to this kind of greatness. More than ever, we must focus on the importance of leadership - bold acts of leadership and decidedly personal acts of leadership." (Fiorina, Speech of Carly Florina (CEO Hewlett Packard): Islam: "WHAT DOES OUR FUTURE DEMAND OF LEADERS TODAY?", 2001) It was this bold leadership that led Carly Fiorina to the back of the unemployment line. Sometimes the best leadership is not the boldest. Henry Ford understood the importance of knowing one's self, to include abilities and limitations. When Henry Ford was asked a question he did not know the answer to, he would simply state, "I do not know the answer, but I have 20 people on
"Does the 21st century transformational form of superleader simply represent the re-emergence of trait-based theories of leadership? Critically assess this question with reference to at least two different approaches to leadership."
M.Sc. In International Marketing Management in the Business Organisation Module Coordinator: Andrew Burnett Essay: "Does the 21st century transformational form of superleader simply represent the re-emergence of trait-based theories of leadership? Critically assess this question with reference to at least two different approaches to leadership." Date: 25th November 2006 Name: Sophia Telanidou M.N.: b00123065 Table of Contents ) Introduction................................................................p.3 2) Theories of leadership..................................................p.4 * Trait-spotting Theory (The Great-Man Approach), 1900-1940...................................................................p.5 * Behavioral Theory (Style Counseling Approach),1940-1960...................................................................p.7 * Situational Theory (Contingency/ Path Goal/ Transactional Approach), 1960-1980...................................................p.9 * New Leadership (Transformational Approach), 1980-2000.............................................................................p.11 * The Superleader, 2000's........................................p.12 3) Conclusion.................................................................p.14 4) References................................................................p.16 ) Introduction The
Internet banking in India The Reserve Bank of India constituted a working group on Internet Banking. The group divided the internet banking products in India into 3 types based on the levels of access granted.
E-BANKING IN INDIA CONTENTS . Introduction 2. Company Profile 3. E-Banking 4. Research Methodology 5. Conclusion 6. Suggestions 7. Limitations 8. Bibliography INTRODUCTION E-BANKING The main purpose that banks have been serving since their inception is keeping our money safe for us. While keeping our money safe, they also let us earn a certain amount of interest on the money deposited with them. Traditional banks have been doing this, and internet banks continue the same function. The only difference is in the way the transactions are made. Online banking has been around for quite a few years. In fact, it was introduced in the 1980s and has come a long way since then. The last decade has seen a profuse growth in internet banking transactions. Several pieces of legislation have also been introduced in this area. Though it began in the 1980s, it was only in the mid nineties that internet banking really caught on. What attracts customers to internet banking is the round the clock availability and ease of transactions. Studies estimate that internet banking still has a long way to go. There are several banks that have customers who prefer banking in the traditional ways. Statistics released by the FDIC show that only 40% of the banks in the U.S. offer internet banking facilities worth mentioning. All the others may have an online presence but do not have
National Cranberry Cooperative case study. This case analysis will investigate two primary problems faced by NCC (1) Long waiting period of trucks during unloading of berries at RP1 and (2) Too much overtime cost. This case will also look at a secondary
MAPUA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY School of Graduate Studies In Engineering Management Production and Operations Management National Cranberry Cooperative Submitted by Carla Angelica I. Santillan Franz Christian C. Soberano Submitted to: Professor Robin Owens May 7, 2011 Executive Summary In 1971, National Cranberry Cooperative faced recurring operational problems that affected the productivity and relationship of NCC to growers. This analysis will discuss how NCC can improve its operation before the peak-season comes in. The analysis was based from facts cited in the case, using tools such as but not limited to process flow diagram, cost, benefit and utilization analysis, and work-force scheduling. The author recommends solution that will not just improve NCC's operations but will also increase plant's capacity and decrease its cost thereby leading to long-term savings for the growers. Problem Statement/Key Issues This case analysis will investigate two primary problems faced by NCC (1) Long waiting period of trucks during unloading of berries at RP1 and (2) Too much overtime cost. This case will also look at a secondary problem, specifically, the inaccuracy of grading of berries. Supporting Argument It is necessary to address the truck's queuing problem in 1970 in order to attain NCC's planned increase in output of water harvested crop from 58% to 70% the