Advantages and disadvantages of Bureaucracy.

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    This is a generic characterisation of all large-scale, complex organisations, public and private. It is not an exclusive property of governmental units. This, of course, does not mean that there are no differences between governmental and non-governmental organisations. The executive structures of the federal government and general motors are different in many important respects, even though both reveal highly developed bureaucratic characteristics.

Advantages of Bureaucracy.


It is a neutral term that connotes a particular type of organisation without imputing any value judgement. Applying ethical or moral norms to organisation goals, one may assume that “good” and “bad” organisations do exist.

       Bureaucracy is simply an administrative device employed to accomplish an effective means-end relationship. Any assessment of the means is accomplished in terms of the extent to which they positively or negatively affect the attainment of goals. Positive aspects of bureaucracy are concerned, the simplification of complex tasks ranks high. A bureaucratic organisation satisfies this requirement by segmenting the overall organisation into a set of highly specialised sub-units, each assigned responsibility for a single phase of the overall operation. Although a modern industrial assembly line can hardly be considered a bureaucracy, the principles are the same. By subdividing a complex problem into simple and manageable proportions, ideally a set of simplified solutions will emerge that can be unified into a single complex solution to the previously unmanageable complex problem.

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        Bureaucracy according to Weber, is referred to as the “technical superiority”, thus every complex problem, having been broken down into small, manageable proportions, is then examined, analysed, and “solved” by a group of trained specialists or experts who, in their respective capacities, are capable of responding with precision, speed, and maximum efficiency. Viewing the sub-units within the bureaucratic structure collectively, the operating efficiency and goal attainment functions of the organisation are enhanced significantly by the utilisation of expert knowledge, which focuses on narrow segments of a total problem. If the simplification of complex tasks yields a ...

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