Data Given: Quarterly series of business investment in the manufacturing sector in the UK from the first quarter 1994 to the second quarter of 2008. Data is not seasonally adjusted.


  Availability of SPSS software is required for output generation. SPSS Output is appended along with the solution to each question.

Q1 Seasonal effects, Trends and Cycles

The raw data given for the entire analysis is NOT seasonally adjusted. I have added an extra variable ‘Time’ for indicating the quarters, as a general time function for the entire 58 observations. As per the instructions given, the first 50 observations have been used for data modelling and the rest 8 has been reserved as holdback data.


The above line graph depicts the plot of the raw data. We can see that there is a small presence of a cyclical trend as the data rises and falls for a non fixed period. There is also a large presence of seasonal effect. A more accurate analysis can be made using the lagged data scatter plots


                Fig 5 : Investment vs Lag 4

Clearly from the above scatter plot of variable Investment vs the four lagged data , we can see that lag 4 resembles a straight line. This indicates the slight presence of a four point pattern repeat in the data.

We can however cross check the presence of any pattern repeat with the help of correlation between the raw data and the lagged data to ascertain any pattern repeat. The largest value in correlation we see is that of lag 4 which is 0.843. Though this is  not a sufficient big number to conclude a four point pattern repeat, based on the graphs given above, we can assume the presence of a four point pattern repeat.

To make the pattern repeat clearer, we difference the data once and plot a line graph.

The above graph makes the four point pattern repeat clearer after the trend has been removed.

The above ACF and the PACF plots also suggest complementary results. There is no straight line edge in the ACF and the data dissipates slowly which suggest a short term correlation. The PACF plot also indicates the presence of a small four point pattern but as the data is random, the pattern is not highly evident.


Q2 Regression with Dummy Variables

First of all for defining the dates, Data→Define Dates  option  is chosen from the SPSS menu and 1994 and 1st quarter are entered as per as the inputs.

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For the dummy variable model we take variables D1, D2 and D3 as the dummy variables along with the variable time for building the model. The predicted model will be

Investment = a + b1*D1 + b2*D2 + b3*D3 + c*time + Error

Essentially due to the seasonal factors present in the data, we need to perform the seasonal decomposition procedure to find out the SAS(Seasonally adjusted series)

We choose Analyse→Time series →Seasonal decomposition from the SPSS menu. And choose a multiplicative model type. Four new variables are created .

Sequence plot of the SAS will be like given below.


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