The purpose of this report is to reflect upon and evaluate my experiences, working as a team member at the UHI residential weekend in Inverness and then as a Virtual Team member back in my home College.

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Personal Reflective Review from Residential Weekend 24th-26th October 2003

Prepared for Diploma in Chartered Management Institute DM48


David Wilson

Submission Date  28/11/03


Title        page 1

Contents        page 2

Executive Summary        page 3

1        Introduction

  1.   Background        page 4
  2.   Purpose        page 4
  3.   Context and Process        page 4

2        Process and Process Evaluation

  1.   Group Structure        page 5
  2.   Leadership and Influence        page 5
  3.   Individual and Group Dynamics /Behaviour        page 6
  4.   Decision Making and Problem Solving        page 7

3        SWOT Analysis        page 8

4        Conclusions and Recommendations        page 9

Appendices        page 10

References         page 14

Executive Summary

The purpose of this report is to reflect upon and evaluate my experiences, working as a team member at the UHI residential weekend in Inverness and then as a Virtual Team member back in my home College.

The group was comprised of seven individuals from diverse workplace backgrounds, from which stemmed positive and negative outcomes for the team.  

This report examines and analysis both the operational issues throughout the team exercise and my part in the process and my individual characteristics which enhanced or inhibited the working towards team objectives.

The report summarises the evaluation with a critique of the theories in application and concludes that there is a significant set of differences in both individual and team  behaviour patterns dependant on direct (face to face) or indirect (virtual) communication.

We accomplished the given residential task and the subsequent report, but on reflection it has become clear to me that theory does not translate directly into practice and unexpected personal, individual and practical factors must be taken into account, especially the need for a clear leadership role in a virtual team.

1.        Introduction

1.1        Background.


I was interactive in a group of seven students from 4 different colleges with varying marketplace skills, unknown to each other till then, to attend UHI CMI Diploma residential consisting of an evening and one and a half days in Inverness.  We then as a Virtual team had to produce a report based on both our residential task and our reporting of it.

1.2        Purpose

The purpose of the weekend was a team building exercise in order to experience and apply theories and practices previously taught in a group class situation and to evaluate the importance and validity of theories in a practical group task context.  The purpose of the Virtual Team report was to experience the practicalities of working from different locations and the problems associated.

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1.3        Context and Process

Using theories taught and relating to the personal experience, the team had to write a report on how we interacted with each other in producing the presentation on the residential weekend and then reporting on the theory versus practicalities of producing a report working as a Virtual Team.

2.        Process and Process Evaluation


2.1        Group Structure


 Our team did not have an obvious leader Belbin style, as it appeared we were team workers, willing to achieve an end product to our task and meet our performance criteria. There ...

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