Tourism: solutions to evident problems.

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Introduction to advanced writing

Essay No3: International Tourism

  • Target readers: anyone interested in how mass-tourism challenges the countries around the Mediterranean Sea, Greece in particular.
  • Purpose of writing: inform but also try to attract attention on the matter at hand.
  • Form of publication: this document should probably be published as a report, or, as an informative and self-reflective document, perhaps as a regional newspaper article.

Tourism: solutions to evident problems

Tourism is usually regarded as travelling for recreation although this definition has been expanded in recent years to include any travel outside of one’s normal working or living area. Tourists are usually interested in the destination’s climate, culture or its nature. As far as mass tourism is concerned, one wants to visit works of art, taste new cuisines, precisely the same way an average tourist visits a country, but with the difference that mass tourism involves a great number of tourists. And therefore, organised tourism is now a major industry around the world. Many national economies are now heavily reliant on tourism, such as Greece whose economy relies for 60% on tourism.

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Greece has always been late on an economical point of view, compared to most countries of the European Union. It still has a strong agriculture, a weak industry and the sector of service (which tourism depends on) is expanding every year, working against some of the actual problems in other sectors.

A result of mass tourism, in a strictly environmental point of view, there is an evident damage caused to certain ecosystems, the difficulty to eradicate wildlife trade but also pollution. The ecosystems are modified or interrupted as a result of tourist complexes that threaten for example wetlands ...

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