Lesson Planning and Classroom Management

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This assignment will look at lesson planning and classroom management. It will also analyse a lesson plan for the session on Stereotyping, on a Challenging Offending Behaviour course.

A teacher is the manager of a classroom. They are responsible for learning and all that goes on inside it.

‘Classroom management and management of student conduct are skills that teachers acquire and hone over time. These skills almost never "jell" until after a minimum of a few years of teaching experience.  To be sure, effective teaching requires considerable skill in managing the myriad of tasks and situations that occur in the classroom each day.  Skills such as effective classroom management are central to teaching and require "common sense," consistency, a sense of fairness, and courage. These skills also require that teachers understand in more than one way the psychological and developmental levels of their students.  The skills associated with effective classroom management are only acquired with practice, feedback, and a willingness to learn from mistakes. Sadly, this is often easier said than done. Certainly, a part of this problem is that there is no practical way for education students to "practice" their nascent skills outside of actually going into a classroom setting. The learning curve is steep, indeed’. (Bob Kizlik)

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Classroom management is extremely important for obvious reasons. It aids effective learning. Classroom management covers things like health and safety, how the classroom is set out, controlling the behaviour of students, and all learning and planning that goes into each session.

‘Students are the beneficiaries, not the victims, of effective classroom control’ (Michael Marland)

It is important to consider classroom management when planning lessons. A good lesson plan will help minimise any inappropriate behaviour as it will differentiate between learning styles and be suitable for both advanced learners and students with key skills issues.

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