Classroom Management

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Classroom is a place where students and teacher interact with eacher other simultaneously. As there may be a lot of activities going on in class, it is not surprising that not every student are behaving their best. However, identifying the possible causes that lead to the behaviour problems would help teachers in improving the situation.

The occurrence of students not paying attention in class is very commonly found in fact.  There could be numerous reasons and factors that have contributed to this incident. To fully interpret the underlying factors, it is best to have in-depth knowledge of the characteristics of a classroom. In the analysis of this case, classroom management anf teaching strategy theories are applied.

Possible Causes

Lack of Attention

Given the size of the class, it is difficult for every student to get equal attention from the teacher. While the teacher is speaking to one or several students, others may receive less attention. In this case, though the teacher was speaking to the whole class, students who sat at the back were playing with each others. From the video clip, it seemed that the teacher was standing at the same spot. She stayed near the blackboard without moving at all. In this way, the physical distance between her and the students was long. This might create the idea for students that the teacher was showing less care for them and what they did at the back of the classroom would not be noticed by their teacher. When students think that they are not under the eyes of teachers, they would do their own things. Not only did this distance cause the alienation of those students, but it also lay a trap for teachers. As teachers would stand at the front of a class, they may tend to look more at the students who sit in the front and less at those who are at the back. As a result, these students would be isolated without teachers' deliberate intention.

2. Lack of Interest

Another possible factor is that the lesson itself was not able to arouse students' interest. As suggested by the students in the clip, they found the lesson boring and so they were playing games instead. Although this might be an excuse by the students, but it also could reflect the fact that whether the teacher was meeting the needs of the whole class. In this case, it might be possible that the teacher was not doing a good job in maximizing the interest of students in class. Hence, students had no relish for the lesson and they would entertain themselves with other things.

3. Simultaneity and Publicity of Classroom Events

The simultaneity of classroom events also worsen the problem. Different things happen at the same time in class. Yet, not many of the students were self disciplined. Not every student would be able to do what the teacher had asked, and sometimes the teacher could not handle all the crisis. As a result, students might show doubt and impatience while waiting for teacher's instructions. When their problems were not settled, the chance of having discipline problems would be higher.

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In addition to the rapid pace of class events, the high visibility of individual's behaviour also has a part to play in raising the disturbance. Due to the exposedness of a classroom, every activity are done with no privacy in front of the whole class. In this case, when one of the student started playing games, the other students would know and might join them.

4. Unpredictable Classroom Events

Last but not least, the classroom events are unpredictable. A classroom can be seen as a miniature of the society, not everything goes smoothly. During a class, there could be ...

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