The Case of the Shot Burglar-Ethical Question

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The Case of the Burglar: Hearing a noise at the back of his one afternoon, Ed picks up his loaded automatic pistol from a drawer in his desk and goes to investigate, He surprises an 18-year-old male in the act of going through his dresser drawers. The man has no weapon in his hands or in view. As Ed asks what he is doing there, the man runs for the back door. Ed points the gun at his retreating back, fires three shots, and kills him. Is Ed morally justified in killing the man?

This particular case is a difficult one.  It is important to uncover the exact events that occurred that afternoon and known where this crime took place.  Not every state has the same laws and regulations.  There is a legal doctrine that many states have incorporated called the “Castle Doctrine”.  This doctrine mainly states that "if an intruder comes into your house and it's your opinion they are there for a criminal purpose ... and you feel threatened, you are allowed to use force, including up to deadly force” (Toledo Blade, 2012, para. 6).  Under the law, you are entitled to defend what is yours, without having the duty to retreat before applying the use of force as a means of self-defense, defense of another or defense of property (Petryszyn, 2012, para. 8).  According to the FBI statistics, police reported 278 justifiable homicides in 2010, of which 232 were committed with a firearm and the rest with a knife or other weapon.  Generally, it is legal to have a firearm in your house, even if you do not possess a concealed carry permit (Petryszyn, 2012, para. 19-21).  Justifiable homicide is the only degree of homicide that is not considered a crime since it is committed with no criminal intent (Davenport, 2012).  In other words, this type of homicide occurs under circumstances of necessity or duty.  Homicide examples that are justifiable are deaths that occur by self-defense or police shooting.  

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In order to answer this post, I put myself in Ed’s position.  I even consulted this case scenario with my husband, who is also a Master’s student at National but with the Criminal Justice Department.  Although this is a fictional case and not much information is provided, it would be important to know who else was in the house the day of the events and the exact details of how everything occurred.  I am currently 7 months pregnant and if we were in our house and suddenly hear a loud commotion in one section of the house; my husband states ...

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