What was the impact of the Black Death on European society? What do you think were the most salient consequences?

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Part II. A short essay. 30 points.

Choose One:

1.  Discussing the Hundred Years War (while providing a short summary of the
events) emphasize the social and cultural consequences of the war? How does
Froissart (in the web site material) represent the conflict? How does he
depict the different social classes? (Descriptions of the battle of Crecy and
the Jacquerie) and the conflict between honor and the cruelty of the war.

2.  Why do you think Jeanne D’Arc had such dramatic impact on the outcome of
the war? What were the underlying political and cultural reasons leading to
her success? Be careful of this question.

3.  What was the impact of the Black Death on European society? What do you
think were the most salient consequences? Make sure to refer to Boccaccio’s
description of the plague and to the other readings in the Class web-site
(accessible through the long syllabus).

4.  What were the reasons for the widespread presence of urban and rural
uprisings in fourteenth century Europe? In detail analyze one of the
rebellions discussed in class or in your readings. (Make use of the sources
included in the syllabus).

5.  What was western European society like in 1300? What were the different
social orders. The economy, politics, religion and culture of Europe on the
eve of the late medieval crisis?

Part III. A longer essay. 50 points. Choose One.

1.  What is The Last Duel all about. How is the history of the 100 Years War
woven into the narrative of this personal conflict? What social and cultural
facts serve as contexts for the story? What can you learn about medieval
society from this book?

2.  How did politics and the formulation of new ways of thinking about power
and sovereignty serve as a response to the crisis. Provide examples (Castile,
Italy, and other places) and names of the main intellectuals that formulated
these new ideas. Refer to the documents enclosed in the syllabus and to other

3.   Using Clifford Geertz’s article (in the web-site readings) as your point
of departure, how would you engage in a “thick description” of European
society and its crisis?

Bonus Question: 5 points.
Available the day of the exam.

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What was the impact of the Black Death on European society? What do you

think were the most salient consequences? Make sure to refer to Boccaccio’s

description of the plague and to the other readings in the Class web-site

(accessible through the long syllabus).        

NOTE: this is a short essay(1 page front and back) but when doing this essay make sure to use the paragraph from the decameron, then use the other ones depending on how much room/time you have.

        It was between the dark years of ...

This is a preview of the whole essay