
The passing of public law 105-301, “Crime Victims with Disabilities Awareness Act”, in 1998 directly led to research on the details of crime victims with disabilities. That research was to be included in the Bureau of Justice Statistics in its annual National Crime Victims Survey. However, the research resulted in its own publication: “Crime Victims with Developmental Disabilities: Report of a Workshop.” It was written by the Committee on Law and Justice in the Commission on Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education of the National Research Council. There was no study done, but a group of researchers, specialists, and advocates came together to analyze existing data and the extent of the problem.

The results of the workshop by the National Academy of Sciences emerged in 1999 with the Crime Victims with developmental Disabilities: Report of a Workshop by the committee on Law and Justice. 
        In the following pages, there will be an analysis of the social problem (crime victims with disabilities) which led to the policy enactment. In that section there will be an explanation of how other research policies were developed and their success in solving and understanding problems. In a later section, the goals, implementation and provisions of the legislation will be explained. Finally, there will be an explanation of how Public Law 105-301 is consistent with the values of social workers.

History of Crime Victim Research

        The history of criminal statistics begins in 1880 (Robinson). There were statistics prior to that time called “statistics of crime” that were collected in the 1850, 1860, and 1870s censuses. The Secretary of the Interior was in charge of carrying out the provisions of gathering crime statistics. The United States marshals, however, performed the collection of the statistics. Four questions were included in the census related to crime. They enquired about the number convicted of crime during the year ending June 1, 1850, the number imprisoned at that time, the nativity and the color of their native born. One more question was added in 1870.

        “No great amount of time was spent on the compilation of the statistics of criminals for these three censuses, and the published facts were so brief that even the whereabouts of those for 1850 and 1860 seem not to be generally known,” Louis Newton Robinson, an assistant professor of economics at Swarthmore College wrote. (Robinson, 1969, p. 17).

        In 1880 there was a shift. The census became more in depth, but still little attention was paid to compilation and analysis of judicial criminal statistics. For the most part, they pertained to those who were imprisoned. The purpose of those statistics was to judge the “nature and extent of the criminality in a given geographical area” and to “determine the transformation, if any, which is occurring in these two phases.” (Robinson, 1969, pp. 27-28)

        That was just the beginning. Years later, the need for improved methods of gathering more specific information increased. There are now two major references for crime statistics. The Uniform Crime Reports (UCR) are gathered by the Federal Bureau of Investigation with the cooperation of local and state law enforcement agencies. Also, in 1972 the National Crime Victims Survey (NCVS) was implemented. Surveying Crime explains the necessity of the NCVS in chapter six. Specifically it explains that the uniform crime reports have vague and some times confusing questions and out-dated methods of collection. It appears that the NCVS was developed as an alternative and extension to the existing National Crime Surveys (NCS), instituted by the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration (LEAA). The Bureau of Census was responsible for the gathering and tabulating of that information. There was little specific information pertaining to the social need for NCVS. There were five objectives listed for the NCVS. All of them pertained to the inadequacies of the existing forms of crime statistics (UCR and NCS).

        In Surveying Crime, it explains that those surveys may be able to study details of crime, define the victim’s part in the crime, what the victims and offender characteristics are what kind of relationship there was between the victim and the offender, and the circumstances surrounding the event. By learning more about these situations, there is a basis for more research. Statistics can lead to more in-depth research on a topic. The hope is, from there, people will find a way to avert and avoid victimization. Also, for example, these reports can help examine patterns of local reporting and non-reporting to police. Consequently, a law enforcement agency may find discrepancies in service in certain areas. Increased or decreased attention to those areas may result from the survey. (Surveying Crime, chap. 8)

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        Until 1998, there was no existing U.S. survey on crime that included the developmentally disabled. Less than two years later, 1999, Crime Victims with Developmental Disabilities, a Report of a Workshop, was printed by the National Academy Press. It was the first of its kind in the U.S. Prior to the passage of Public Law 105-301, other countries had released statistical findings on crime victims with developmental disabilities. In fact, upon the presentation of Senate Bill 1976 (now P.L. 105-301), some of those statistics were discussed. As previously stated, the U.S. did not conduct its own study, but review existing ...

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