Marian is a 37 year old female who appears to be from a middle class background. Marian is currently married (for 17 years) and she and her husband have two daughters aged 9 years and 11 years. I conducted a phone assessment with Marian two weeks earli...

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Marian is a 37 year old female who appears to be from a middle class background. Marian is currently married (for 17 years) and she and her husband have two daughters aged 9 years and 11 years. I conducted a phone assessment with Marian two weeks earlier and also spoke with her older sister prior to Marian’s arrival at Logan House. At that time I had no idea that I would ask Marian to participate in my assignment however due to the failure of an earlier attempt I approached senior staff at Logan House for their permission. I had been assigned as Marion’s counselor for the duration of her stay at Logan House and I sought Marian’s permission 2 hours prior to her first counseling session. GHSP 7118 (Counseling for Alcohol and Drug Problems) Process RecordInterviewSkill Process AnalysisCounselor: OK, so this is your first day.Preamble to counseling session. Closed questionThe purpose of this question was to help me get into Marian’s frame of reference in relation to how she was coping since her arrival at Logan House. Client  It certainly is.Counselor How’s it been?Open-ended question An open friendly invitation to raise whatever concerns she may have wanted to talk about as well as conveying to my client that I was interested in her well-being. Client It’s been great (Co: yeah). It was pretty daunting when I first arrived yesterday. Ah, I mean because I didn’t know what to expect (Co: hmm), um, but the ladies have been so wonderful, guys as well (Co: hmm). Um, had my first, you know, proper class this morning and I was absolutely shocked beyond belief to sit there and think, I actually understand what she’s talking about, and it’s sinking in, and it’s relevant to me, and I thought, no, because prior to that I just had blinkers to the world thinking this is only happening to me, nobody understands and nobody can help me (Co: hmm) but sitting in that class today, it was really overwhelming (Co: hmm), it was just great. I had such a good session today, it was, it was marvelous. Continuation response/s delivered within an active listening context.The initial continuation response, combined with my tone of voice, was intended to encourage Marian to provide feedback on how she was coping with community-style living and the program at Logan House. The ongoing continuation response/s were varied (e.g., hmm, yeah, aah right) and acknowledged that I had heard what Marian had identified as the most important points during her past 24 hours at Logan House. Marian was very articulate in describing how she was feeling and coping with the sudden change in her lifestyle so the responses acknowledged what she considered were the most important points and were kept to a minimum so as not to interrupt the flow of her conversation.Counselor So you’re a lot more comfortable today than you were yesterday?Reflection of feeling but presented as a closed question.I reflected back to Marian that I had heard her what she had said by noting how she was currently feeling in relation to the range of affective states she had experienced over the past 24 hours. Although I reflected back to Marian that I was picking up that she was feeling more comfortable now then she was yesterday I presented my response as a closed question. This allowed Marian the opportunity to verify that I had been listening and in the process build further rapport between us.Client I am, I am, yeah I definitely had the jitters yesterday but I feel as though I’ve actually settled in a lot better today, yeah I do. Counselor I think the other thing to is, it says to me that, you said before I had blinkers on, this time you’re open A reflection of content presented as a closed question.Marian has stated earlier that she had had blinkers on prior to her first class and I wanted to acknowledge that I felt she had come into the program with an open mind. I presented it as a closed question so as to give her the opportunity to verify my observations.Client Yeah! I’ve come in with an open mind (Co: yeah!). I’m talking maybe months ago, everything like that, I’ve come in with an open mind just believing that I’m going to, um, get out of this place what I want from it (Co: right), and what I want is the whole lot (Co yes) like, you know, I’ve taken my blinkers off and I, I just want so much knowledge. I want to get better  (Co: yeah) and, and you know be back with my family. So any advice that people give me, anything, you know, I, I’m just taking it all in (Co: all in) and, and trying to, you know, dissolve it as so, um, you know, it’s great! It’s like an aspirin, it’s all just going in. It’s sinking into my body (Counselor and client laughing). Continuation responses Active listening skills Attending skills (eye contact, relaxed posture).Counselor It’s definitely the different, the different person from (Cl: laughing) yesterday.Reflection of content I wanted Marian to know I had noticed the change in her outlook. A more effective response may have been, what I’m hearing is that you have come in here with an open mind and you’re already noticing the benefits.Client I think so actually (Co: yeah). I think so, and even last night I went to bed and I was just a, I was a nervous wreck last night and I did have a bit of a cry last night thinking, I don’t know whether this is for me and (Co: hmm) and, you know, have I done the right thing, and Sue Ellen was on such a high, she’s just, she’s left today (Co: yeah) and I’m thinking to myself, I’m never going to get to that stage, you know, it’s so far down the track (Co: hmm) and, and well me, myself believing that I’m, I’m not a strong person I just think it’s going to be hard, it’s going to be too hard and then, you know, Caroline and I sat down last night and she said to me “of course it’s going to be hard Marion”, and I knew that I’m certainly going to have a lot of pain. (Co yeah) but then, you know, I woke up this morning in a better frame of mind thinking, you know, I’m going to get pain but (Co: hmm) prior, you know, when I, when I was blind drunk, that’s pain (Co: yeah) That’s, that’s pain.Continuation responsesThe continuation responses were varied and I think the tone of my voice indicated to Marian that I was listening to what she was saying. Counselor Yeah. I guess, I guess (inaudible)it’s a healing pain (Cl: hmm) as opposed to a hurting pain.Reframing Marian’s earlier statement, (I’m going to get pain but (Co: hmm) when I was blind drunk, that’s pain) in a more positive way). I wanted to draw Marian’s attention to the positive benefits of experiencing pain due to her decision to remain at Logan House and the negative pain associated with being blind drunk. Client Yeah, yesCounselor Do you know what I mean?Closed questionI wanted to know if Marian understood what I meant by a healing pain. Client YesCounselor That sort of painClosed questionI still wasn’t sure if Marian understood what I meant by a healing pain however her response to this question indicated that she did. Client Yes (Co: hmm). It’s a positive pain (Co: pardon), a positive pain. Counselor Oh well in a sense yeah.Continuation response I let Marian know that she had an understanding of what I was trying to say earlier. Client Yes Counselor You’re not a strong woman but yet you’ve made the decision to come here, and that indicates to me that to put your life on hold, to put your family (Cl: yeah) to leave your family, that would take a lot of strength (Cl: yeah) you know.SummarizingTying together some of the important elements of what Marian had said during the previous statements so as to indicate to her that I was actively listening. However, it would have been much better if I had begun the summarizing with, Marian, you say that your not a …. Client Well, that, that, it was basically, um what came to mind then when I decided that I was going to come in here that, um, I, I just had too much at stake, too much to lose (Co yeah), you know, that um, I, I was afraid of being alone. I don’t want my family to leave me. I don’t want to lose my friends. I, I don’t want to be left alone, um, as an alcoholic (Co: hmm). I, and if, if there’s anything I can do no matter how, how much pain it is going to take and, and how long it’s going to take I’ve made up my mind this time (Co: hmm) that I’m, I’m going to do it, I’m going to do it. I’ve have got too much to lose, way too much to lose. Not just my family but I, I’ve got my, I’ve got my life to lose (Co: hmm) I’ve got my health, I’ve got everything to lose. It’s just too much at stake.Counselor It’s very scary (Cl: Oh), the thought of…. Reflection of feeling (empathy) and beginning to use a closed question. I was acknowledging to Marian that I could sense her fear. Client The scariest thing I’ve ever done in my life I think (Co: yeah), yeah.Counselor So, OK, where, we’re, we’re going to start somewhere here I suppose to, to get a little bit of a, a background. (Cl: hmm) and I picked up a little bit when we were doing the assessment. (Cl: right), um, that you came over from Scotland (Cl: that’s correct) when you were two years old (Cl: that’s right), um, I know you have a sister (Cl: yes I do). I don’t know if you had ….Getting started stage of the counseling session.I think that I may have been too directive in that I prompted Marian to begin at a certain point in her life. I was hoping Marian would provide me with some background information that may be relevant for future counseling sessions. Client No just, um, there’s just the two of us. Counselor O.K, um, you both, you, you appear to be very close to your sisterOpen-ended questionMarian’s sister had spoken to me about what Logan House was like prior to Marian’s arrival and she also brought Marian to Logan House. I wanted to know how close they were and whether her sister was supportive.Client I don’t know what, we both are very close to each other. I think, um, if she wasn’t three and a half years apart, we would almost say we were twins (Co: hmm), and she knows what, what I’m thinking, she knows what I’m feeling, um, I can dial the phone and she picks it up and she’s just about to dial out and phone me (Co: ah right). You know, um, we have this sixth sense so, um, I would be lost without her and my (inaudible) (Co: hmm), you know, we, we’ve had a tough childhood so we, we’ve been the only ones who have been there for each other, so if it wasn’t that, if we didn’t have that closeness.Continuation responsesCounselor A great support, she’s been a great support.Reflection of contentI wanted to let Marian know that I had heard how she felt about her sister.Client Absolutely (Co: hmm), absolutely.Counselor Um, so you, you say you had a tough childhood (Cl: hmm), would you like to…A closed question reiterating an earlier point Marian made followed by a continuation responseI wanted to get into Marian’s frame of reference in relation to her drinking and find out about some of her background. Client O.K, um, alright, um, my mum and dad were both alcoholics (Co: hmm). Now I can’t remember the first time that I actually realized that I knew that, um, my mum and dad were divorced at a very, when I was very young but I, I guess I’m, now that I’m an adult I can go back and put it into perspective and I understand what it means now that, you know, um, as a preschooler you know, I would come home and my father would be passed out on the lounge and all I could smell was, was urine smell. The lounge was wet, the front of his pants were wet. (Co: hmm) There’s bottles on the floor and that to me was, was the normal. You know, um, he was, he was an abusive father but only a short time for me because I didn’t, I was young and I really didn’t know him that well (Co: hmm). So my mum left him. She, she’d met up with this other man who was a lot older than her but, but very nice and very gentle (Co: hmm). She’d not had that in her life before and so it was a refreshing change for her so we, we made this life with this man and, um, I guess sort of going forward a few years later my mother was in and out of hospital, you know, for various illnesses that, um, my
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mother was the type of person that she had to be the center of attention. (Co: hmm). She, in my mind I believe she was a hypochondriac. So, you know, I’d come home from school and think, Oh my God, she’s in bed again. She’s sick again and I was resentful, resented her terribly. Ahh, but she didn’t work when I was young. My father, my step-father, um, he was twenty years older, he was on a war pension so um, they didn’t do anything during the day. They didn’t do anything with us. They always had, you know, fitting ...

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