Contractions in skeletal muscle are regulated by stimulus strength, stimulus frequency, and sarcomere length.

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Contractions in skeletal muscle are regulated by stimulus strength, stimulus frequency, and sarcomere length


BIOL 4161

November 2, 2004


The electrical responses and muscle contractions of the skeletal muscle of Rana pippiens in response to various stimulus strengths, stimulus frequencies, and muscle stretch were studied in this experiment.  We identified the minimum stimulus voltage required to produce a muscle twitch.  Electromyogram (EMG) generally increased in response to increasing stimulus strength.  Recordings of contraction force and the duration of the muscle twitch showed no distinct pattern over increasing stimulus strength.  The time between the stimulus pulse and the start of the contraction decreased with increasing stimulus strength.  The time delay from the start of the muscle contraction until the maximum tension was reached generally decreased with increasing stimulus strength.  Baseline tension of the muscle increased with increasing frequency of a stimulus pulse.  Change in baseline tension of the muscle showed a general increase with increasing muscle stretch up to a certain point.  The muscle contraction force also increased with increasing change in muscle length up to a point.  In this experiment we learned about skeletal muscle contraction in response to changes in stimulus strength and frequency and sarcomere length.


Contraction of skeletal muscle is what provides animals with voluntary movement.  The sarcomere is the functional unit of skeletal muscle.  The sarcomeres line up to form myofibrils, which compose the muscle fibers (Belanger, 2004).  Each sarcomere consists of the thick and thin filaments myosin and actin.  Surrounding each myofibril is the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR), which stores the calcium necessary for muscle contraction (Belanger, 2004, Randall, et al., 2002).  Transverse tubules (T tubules) link the muscle fiber membrane (sarcolemma) to the SR (Belanger, 2004).

When an action potential reaches the neuromuscular junction – where a motor neuron meets the muscle it stimulates – the depolarization causes a chain of molecular events that result in cross-bridge cycling, the process by which a sarcomere contracts (Belanger, 2004, Randall, et al., 2002).  These sarcomere contractions are called “power strokes” and occur throughout the muscle tissue to give a smooth, continuous contraction of the muscle fiber (Belanger, 2004).  Active pumps resequester calcium in the SR to allow muscle relaxation (Belanger, 2004, Randall, et al., 2002).  

Each muscle fiber is innervated by one motor neuron, but a single motor neuron innervates many muscle fibers (Belanger, 2004).  Small motor units typically innervate a smaller number of muscle fibers, resulting in more precise movements; large motor units innervate many muscle fibers and result in broader, less precise movements (Belanger, 2004, Randall et al., 2002).  Motor neurons of large diameter conduct CAPs the fastest and produce contractions the most quickly, while smaller diameter neurons have slower contraction response times (Kuffler and Williams, 1953).

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Smaller motor units with smaller motor neurons are typically activated first in vivo, then larger motor units (Belanger, 2004), but the results differ in vitro.  Usually smaller motor units are associated with slow-twitch muscle fibers, while the larger ones are associated with fast-twitch fibers (Belanger 2004).  In this experiment we expect the time between the start of the contraction and maximum tension to increase with increasing stimulus frequency as more small motor units with slower-conducting, smaller axons become activated.

One important part of skeletal muscle function is regulation of skeletal muscle tension through temporal summation (Belanger, 2004).  Stimuli ...

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