One of the most pivotal events in the early history of the BBC was the general strike which began on the 3rd of May 1926.

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Amelia Bailey 25/10/05 Assignment/1

The BBC first came into existence on October the 18th 1922. Established by the six leading wireless manufacturers these initials meant nothing to the vast majority at this time. John Reith who would become the first Director General, and perhaps most renowned, had yet to hear of the company which would for many years monopolise broadcasting. In just four years the combination of letters, BBC, would come to represent a company providing the nations main news source.

One of the most pivotal events in the early history of the BBC was the general strike which began on the 3rd of May 1926.

The general strike was the climax of a series of struggles that began with the strike wave of 1919. Lloyd George, the prime minister of the time told the leaders of the TUC (Trade Union Congress), 'In our opinion we are at your mercy'.1 He was not exaggerating. The working classes of Europe, inspired by the Russian Revolution of 1917, were in revolt and Britain was no exception. Britain experienced a number of bitter and protracted sectional struggles between 1921 and 1922 . Both engineers and the miners were locked out and forced to take pay cuts.
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The actual cause of the 1926 general strike was the report of a royal commission on the coal-mining industry (Samuel Report (1926)) which recommended a cut in wages. Mine owners were demanding longer hours of work paired with lower wages.

A coal strike started in early May 1926 and the miners asked the TUC to bring all major industries out on strike in support of the action; eventually it included more than 2 million workers.

One of the first groups of workers called out by the Trades Union Congress were the printers, and consequently most ...

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