ur Ruhe kam diese Streit nicht durch..

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ur Ruhe kam diese Streit nicht durch..

Zur Ruhe kam diese Streit nicht durch wissenschaftliche Ueberzeugung des Gegners, sondern als die Zoelle des Jahres 1902 die Forderungen der Landwirtschaft erfuellten…


Kehr here describes how the arguments between the aristocratic agrarian faction and the bourgeois industrial factions about the insufficiency of German food production in time of war and the problems of blockade were alleviated not by resolution of the problems, but by the tolls and tariffs of 1902 which made it possible to reform farming to some extent.  The aristocratic-agrarian bloc at the War Ministry did not reckon on needing to deal with food blockades in the event of war with England as the interior ministry had anticipated a surplus in supply following the reforms.  The tolls had no point but to silence the claims of those who saw the food crisis as a matter of national importance.

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The problem of the food problem was reraised in 1912, but again, it was “tackled” by an agency whose role was to allow people to forget it.  This whole issue supports Kehr’s theory about the importance of the domestic politics of Germany in her view on the outside. Ignoring Germany’s geographical fatal flaw concerning the ease of blockading her, the interests of the East Elbians was placed at a higher level of importance than national security.  The tolls were passed in order to allow the Navy Laws to pass by means of their appeal to the agrarians.  Although 95% of ...

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