If the political system is stable and they have everything all figured out they will know what is best for the economy. Money is almost the biggest issue every where a stable government can help get what the people need and want from the chosen business which is the Post Office.
Periods of the political stability favour business. A political party is usually elected (at national level) to office for up to five years. Once elected, it will seek to put its manifesto (plans) into action. Plans are made public. This helps business planning. Businesses are able to use the government manifesto to identify likely changes and how these will affect them. It provides business with a degree of certainty for the next few years. For example, in recent years the labour government has been raising environmental taxes, particularly on larger vehicles. As a result, businesses in the car industry know that it is sensible to plan to product a higher number of smaller fuel-efficient cars and energy efficient vehicles such as electric cars and hybrid vehicles.
Government supports different types of business in different ways.
For the private sector, the government tries to create an environmental in which businesses can compete with each other on level terms regardless of size.
Where firms appear to be too large or powerful, the court will investigate and take action through the courts against businesses if they are found to be abusing their position. In addition, government provides various incentives such as grants to start up a new enterprise. In the voluntary sector, government covers the losses made by government-owned organisations Government effectively subsidises a number on non-profit making activities such as maintaining roads or ferry services to remote communities, and funds welfare education and health services. In the voluntary sector, government support involves various cash grants such as those provided by the National Lottery Commission for activities that benefit the wider community, and tax relief on premises owned by these organisations. Charity organisations receive similar support. In the public sector, the government covers the losses made by the government owned organisations. Government effectively subsidises a number of no profit making activities such as marinating roads or ferry services to remote communities, and funds welfare, education and health services.
The government affects the Post Office because they own the business; the government also provides support to the business because they are the owners and they want the business to succeed and make money from it, the government provide infrastructure skilled organisations which support member of international trading communities because they own and run the post office. Businesses must operate within the framework of the law. Failure to do so can lead to fines and even imprisonment off directors. Businesses therefore give high priority to making sure they comply with the law. There are thousands of separate pieces of legislation (laws) that affect business. Here we just on three important areas legal factors are factors that you must put in place before starting your business, You must also follow these legal factors when running your business, legal factors are rules you have to follow to keep your business a legal business, if you do not follow these laws you would be breaking the law and could get prosecuted.
The legal factors of my chosen business are a lot of laws that the business must follow to run, if the business does not follow these legal factors they could run the risk of being closed down because they are not following the laws of the business.
My chosen businesses are affected by different laws; my chosen businesses are affected by things like company, contracts, employment and competition laws, these are all protection laws that will protect the customers of a business, these will ensure fair and honest trading in a business.
Social factors are things like demographic issues for example population growth or decline, this will mean the number of people in a population and whether if they grow and reduce. Changes in structure for example ageing households and families is when people from households grow up and sometimes will have to leave the business and retire meaning the business will have to recruitment new employees.
Education, attitudes to work, religion, attitudes to male and female ethics also affect the business because the employees need to be educated, and must be in a attitude to work, they can be any religion and must not be discriminated, the business must also treat male and female ethics equal.